Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(Alyssa's POV)

I sat on the hospital bed waiting for Vic to come retrieve me. I guess you could say this would be the second time he has saved my life. I really just wanted to end it all. I guess I'm here for a reason then.

I had another dream about the man from my childhood. It was more of a flashback from when he took my innocence at such a young age. I don't remember who the man is, but I do remember all the horrible things he did to me that changed my life forever. My life is so screwed up.

The way I put myself in the hospital worried the doctors. I was given medication for depression and anxiety. I also have to be under constant supervision from now on. If it happens again, I would be put in a crazy house with all the other screwed up teenagers like me.

Vic finally appeared in the doorway to come rescue me. He shot me that adorable smirk. "You ready?" He asked.

"Hell yeah!" I jumped off the bed in excitement. I had no idea why I was so happy. I guess it just his presence.

We left the hospital and got in his Jeep. He turned to me with an evil grin. "I have a suprise for you." Oh god, I hate surprises.


"I can't tell you! Its a suprise!" He said as he started the car and began to drive.

We drove a little ways before we came to a complete stop and parked. I took the surroundings in noticing we were at the beach. I've never been to this part of the beach. It didn't seem so populated.

"The beach is my suprise?"

He didn't say a word as he got out of the car and came around to open my door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the beach. Finally we stopped where a blanket had been laid out with a basket sitting in the middle. I smile quickly spread across my face.

"A picnic?" I said with a big grin on my face.

"Y-yeah," He said nervously as he looked at the ground, "I wanted to take you on a date, ya know....I'm sorry if its weird or cheesy to you."

"Its perfect, Vic." I said excitedly as he flashed me a very happy smile.

We sat down on the blanket as he opened the basket. "What's on the menu, Mr. Fuentes?"

"Heh well, I am sure not a cook so I made it simple. Sandwiches and little Debbie cakes, not too fancy!" He said as he handed me some food.

"Fancy enough for me!" I said taking a bite out of my sandwich as he did the same.

We ate in an awkward silence as we watched the waves wash onto the shore and back into the ocean. I felt him scoot closer beside me.

"So tell me about yourself Alyssa." He said looking deeply into myself.

I would not tell him everything about me of course. I wasn't quite comfortable with sharing yet.

"Well, I love music and art. I have never held a stable friendship. I'm weird. I'm a messed up person, but I have grown to get used to the way I am." I really didn't have much to say about me besides that I'm screwed up in the head.

He gave me a sad smile, "I don't think your messed up. Some of us have flaws, but each flaw is a lesson learned only to make a person stronger. You, Alyssa, are very strong. You may have tried to give up, but after that you kept trying anyway."

What he said gave me a bit of hope. I didn't cry like usual, but instead I just smiled in agreement. He was right. I knew I could trust him. I wanted to open up just a bit more.

I changed the subject quickly, "So that fight with me and Melany, you probably are wondering why I went ape shit." He looked at me wanting me to go on. "A few years ago, mom was in what you would call a rough patch I guess. I lived with her because of my dads abusive ways. I loved her so much. She was my best friend. One day out of the blue, she had this new boyfriend. I didn't like him when I met him. He gave me a weird feeling...After a while, mom began acting weird. She began looking sick and she was never home. She always looked like she was in a different world than me. I finally found out that she was doing meth, along with many other drugs. I was completely broken about it. When I found out, I screamed and screamed at her about how bad of a person she was. I saw the hurt in her eyes, but I figured she didn't feel anything..." I felt a tear roll down my face, "She left after I lashed out on her. That night she was found dead in an alley. She killed herself. I lost my best friend for good, and it was all my fault." I silently began crying as Vic pulled me into his chest.

It felt good to finally talk to someone about part of my shit life. The hurt I felt two years ago just flooded me, but deep down inside, I felt good.

"I'm so sorry, Alyssa. You know, your best friend is watching over you, and I bet she is proud at how strong you are. She would want you to keep going." He said in a calming a voice.

I still felt this feeling in my chest. He made my heart race. I haven't felt this way in a while. I loved him. I only knew him for a few days, but I was in love with him. I was for sure about it.

I looked up at him with teary eyes as he still held me to his chest. He stared into my eyes and occasionally down to my lips. He placed his hand on my cheek, "You don't have any idea how beautiful I think you are." He said as his face leaned closer to mine. I quickly closed the gap between our faces and pressed my lips against his. I felt the spark go threw my veins along with fireworks going off in my heart. This was meant to be. I could feel it.

He stopped the kiss and looked at me for a second before he gave in and kissed me hard again, laying me on my back as he lay on top of me. Our lips moved slowly together in a loving way rather than a lustful way. He pulled away and pressed his forehead against mine and looked me in the eyes.

"I think I love you." He said softly and sweetly giving me butterflies. He felt the same away and I couldn't be anymore happier.

"I'm positive that I love you, Vic." I said with a smile.

This was only the beginning of my new life.

A happy life.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed c: I'm sorry if its so short. I was just so eager to update as soon as possible! Tell me what you think and what you would like to see in this story. Love you guys!

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