Chapter 1

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Olympus 3rd person

It was a normal meeting for the Olympians. All the gods arguing and not paying attention to the matter at hand. One goddess was getting irritated fast and after five more minutes of arguing she stood up and yelled two simple, surprising words "Shut up!" All the gods turned to Hestia in surprise. Hestia was not a violent goddess at all, although lately all the gods had had a very short temper.

Hestia looked at the council and announced that it was time to discuss why they had been called here. Zeus huffed at being told off by his older sister but started the meeting none the less.
He looked all the gods in the eye until he reached the very depressed god of the sea. While still looking Poseidon in the eye he spoke words the Olympians never thought they would have the pleasure to hear...

"We need to find Perseus" all the gods gapped at the king. The god of lightning looked around and noticed the confused looks. "There is a new war coming and Perseus has been gone too long. It has been confirmed he is not dead. But being gone for three millennia is too much" Zeus explained. The king looked around and decided that, since none of the others had talked yet, he had to take action. "Artemis get your hunters to search for him. Poseidon search your realm Hades and I will do the same. Demeter", Zeus looked at her "get Iris on it. The rest of you search any where..." Zeus looked around " I want the boy or any leads here by winter solstice!" Zeus barked the order and disappeared in a flash.

Forest somewhere 3rd person

Sitting up in a tree a boy who looked seventeen sat on a branch playing with his staff. But hey don't let looks device you. In reality this boy was actually over three millennia old. The boy jumped from the tree and glided up in the air using his staff.
Jack Frost loved this time of year. It was when he felt most at peace; winter. When the ground was covered with snow and the trees with frost. He pulled up the hood on his blue hoodie. Jack floated over the forest enjoying the cold gust of wind and the occasional flurry of snow. Jack decided that since it was dawn he would have to give the kids a snow day. It made them happy and he loved it. Jack sped up as he saw a flash of silver he had avoided for three millennia. He dashed away using the winds to his favor. He noticed the flashes of silver following him. He decided to have some fun with this. After all it had been a while since he had been able to mess with the hunters of Artemis.
Jack Frost dashed onto a frozen lake and made sure the air was extra cold around him. Jack sat down on the ice with his staff in front of him. He always held it close to him. Jack held it so much that there was a permanent grove on the side, the shape of his hand. Jack looked up to see about thirty hunters with their bows pointed at him and a very angry goddess. Jack saw all the girls watch his every move as he stood up and brushed off his destructed jeans. He looked up and brushed off his hood.

The goddess of the group glared at him "We are here in search of Perseus Jackson" Jack cocked his head and and girl with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes stepped forward.

" Ya know black hair, tan skin, green eyes" she looked at Jack despretaly. "Pretty much the opposite of you" she muttered.
Artemis looked at Jack again. "Perseus Jackson, have you seen him?"
"He prefers Percy" the black haired girl muttered. The whole hunt looked at Jack.
He muttered: "haven't heard that name in millennia."
The hunters looked taken aback.

"You couldn't have possibly known him!"

Jack looked the girl straight in the eyes "I knew him very well lieutenant Grace"

"How do you know my name!"
"I have my ways"

"Enough!" The goddess stopped the argument. "Who are you"

Jack looked her in the eye and flew up "well I am Jack Frost"

Some of the hunters he didn't recognize eyes grew wide "but you're a myth!" One exclaimed.

"Aren't your gods supposed to be myths too?" He argued.

"Woah Woah wait, back on track... You said you knew Perseus... Why passed tense?"

"Why Lady Artemis he is dead"

"How dare you!" Thalia exploded while looking up at the figure floating "he is not dead I dragged my cousin down there and looked for him my self!"

"Ah Di Angelo... How is he?" Jack asked the name sounding foreign to him after not saying it for so long.

"He is fine... Wait how do you know him!?" The lutenent was getting very confused.

All Jack answered with was "I have my ways".
Jack explained.
"You see I met Jackson about... Two millennia ago. He was very deeply depressed and was very reckless and I managed to stop him and save his life every time until I was not fast enough an he died" Jack cut right to the chase. The hunters did not need it sugar coated.

"Well I must be going!"

"Wait Jack!" Artemis called. Jack looked back "you seem very powerful... Ahh you see, the gods will be at war soon and we need as much help as we can get".

"I try not to associate with Greeks" Jack explained before he flew off.

Olympus 3rd person

Artemis flashed in and immediately called a council meeting. The moment the last god flashed in she stared "I have a lead".

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