Chapter 3

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The throne room was quiet until Annabeth spoke up "That wasn't Percy. Percy couldn't control ice or snow. He would have been deathly afraid of flying. Plus that... Man was too bipolar. Too cold." She reasoned.

"Yes but people change" Athena replied. "You all saw how he reacted to being called that. It's obviously him."

"But lady Athena... His appearance was-is so different. He looks the opposite of what he used too."

"Yeah but Hazel he probably did that on purpose... Like so if any one was ever looking for Percy and found Jack Frost they would never expect them to be the same person cause there polar opposites." Jason explained.

"Hey did anyone else notice he looked really uncomfortable with all of us looking at him. Like he kept flying and shifting feet. He never let go of his staff." Piper asked all of the sudden.

"Why don't we just track Prissy and take the staff?"

A voice spoke from the shadow making every one except Hades jump. "I wouldn't do that Clarisse. He may have once been Percy but he's Jack Frost now. And Jack Frost is extremely powerful. The moment you take the staff he will know who took it and he will do anything to get it back."

"Nico how do you know this?" Annabeth asked suspiciously.

"I met him a while ago... I had no clue it was Percy but he did know who I was. It was creepy. He has a way of knowing every thing, every secret of a person he just met.  I took his staff and he almost killed me for it. The only reason he didn't was because he didn't want my dad looking for the person who killed me. He probably wont be so nice if it happens again."  Nico explained

"But Nico his fatal flaw is loyalty. He couldn't kill you... Right?" Frank spoke up. All while the gods were just listening to the exchange trying to get as much info on this new Percy as they could.

"I don't know but I'm pretty sure the moment he changed his identity his fatal flaw disappeared. For all we know he managed to figure out how to cut all ties with the Greeks and became one with the mortal myths." Nico explained.

"What are the mortal myths on this Jack Frost son of Hades?" A very depressed Poseidon asked wanting to know what had become of his son. 

Nico looked up "well there are two different myths." He paused "the... Nicer one of the two is that there is a man who started out as a young mortal. When he was fifteen the boy died by falling through the ice of a lake. They say that a few hundred years later the boy was re-born and given powers by the man in the moon. Having forgotten his name he changed it to Jack Frost. No one knew what he had looked like before the fall. But they say his appearance slowly changed after being under the ice for so long. With kind icy blue eyes and hair made of ice, he was the kindest deity out there. Jack Frost was the person who always made the lakes freeze over for hockey and skating, him being the person who gave kids their snow days off of school and the beautiful coverings of snow on the ground. Although he is just a spirit many people claim to have seen him, with his ice hair and long staff." Nico looked around and noticed all the others in the room had wide eyes.

Someone asked him to tell the other. "Okay so the other myth says he died the same way, only he was under the ice for much, much longer. Almost two thousand years. And he was bitter about it. He got his powers the same way. He was almost thirty years in appearance. He was always closed off never helped anyone but him self. He was scary evil. He was the person who gave people Frost bite. Made the ice break and kill people and animals alike. Made ice on the roads for people to slip off and die. He made sure there were no snow days and that people were cold and miserable in the winter." Nico looked around and this time saw all the others had horrified expressions.
"I personally think that he is both and that is why he is so bipolar. If you ask him I'm sure he could change his age appearance from seven teen to almost thirty."

"Well whether he wants to or not he is coming here" Zeus announced. He snapped his fingers and immediately Percy Jackson or Jack Frost... What ever you want to call him, was in front of them.
The once son of Poseidon said a few choice words.
The boys eyes flashed as he looked around. He looked very uncomfortable as the center of attention. He also noticed many of the gods and immortals eyeing his staff. He gripped the worn wood so hard his knuckles turned white. He flew up in the air and looked at Athena.
"I thought it was clear I did not want to be here".
Zeus tried to reason with the boy " Perseus-"
"I don't respond to that name" he informed the god.
"Fine... Mr. Frost we thought it was time for a family reunion".

"I don't know what you mean" Jack said while glaring.

"You know exactly what we mean Percy"

The voice froze Jack and he turned towards the speaker. He gripped his staff so hard it almost snapped. "I'm afraid Miss Chase that you will need to clarify" he snapped. Annabeth opened her mouth to talk again but closed it after a glare from her mother.

"Look Frosty-"

"Call me that again and I'll snap your neck Ares"

This time Hestia tried. "Jack..." He turned towards her tilting his head quizzically. "Jack we just want help in the war... That's it then you can go back to your life" She explained "if us gods are defeated then you will probably be enslaved by the new rulers".

All the Olympians leaned forward to see what Jack would say. " Hestia you say that assuming they could get ahold of me... Although I have gotten and offer from the other side as well... But yours is better even if the other side promised to have you all in Tartarus. I believe that you would eventually break out and knowing you lot, you would put me back in Tartarus. " Jack finished his speech.

"Then you'll help?" Athena asked a bit too happy.

"Yes... On one condition. I am in charge of my self. I don't take orders very well... Especially from Greeks. I will help but I expect to be left alone after the war and if I am called Percy or Perseus or Jackson I will leave.
Am I clear?" Jack asked.

"Then what can we call you?" One of the Stoll brothers asked.

"I am most commonly called Jack or Frost or Jack Frost if you have figured that out yet Travis"

"Where will you be staying?" Artemis asked speaking up for the first time.

"Where am I most needed?" Jack wondered.

"At Camp half blood" Athena answered a bit scared of his reaction. 

Jack rolled his eyes "wonderful"

"Will you be staying in a cabin?" Poseidon asked obviously wanting Jack to stay in his cabin.

"No, a tree works great. It's where I have been sleeping for the last three millennia. Thanks" Jack responded.

A very quiet 'oh' could be heard from  Poseidon's direction. 

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