Chapter 5

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Thalia imidietally grabbed her spear, she watched in wonder as Jack sheathed his sword and grabbed his staff. He flew over to Thalia's pine tree and looked at the army of monsters in front of them. It wasn't a big army, or at least to him. The camp was thinking otherwise.
The army was being lead by a Titan, Hyperion to be exact. The camp was almost panicking at the sight of a titan.
Said titan opened his mouth to talk but before he could a arrow made of ice zipped passed him. It had somehow been aimed to bounce of trees and shields in order to hit every monster in the army. The minute it was done, the army disintegrated. Leaving only Hyperion.
"What is this?" The titan bellowed. "Who did this!?"
"That would be me" Jack Frost stepped forward.
"You? A puny little mortal destroyed my army? Ha! I don't believe it."
Jack only glared. He didn't respond and charged instead. The camp was amazed and shocked by the fact that he would just charge with a stick. But at last second he threw his staff at Thalia, the only person he trusted at that point, and pulled out his sword.
Hyperion was not ready for the blow and ended up with a good size scratch on his leg. He raised his own sword and parried as best he could, but just as Hyperion was about to get a hit on Jack, the latter vanished. He became one with the wind. Gliding along, faster than any eye can see. Slicing and dicing Hyperion.
Then the winds stopped and Jack was standing there with Hyperion at sword point.
Hyperion was out of breath but Jack looked like he was taking a stroll in the park.
He pushed the sword further towards Hyperion and asked "who do you work for? Who sent you?".
Hyperion glared defiantly, "like I would tell you."
Jack just rolled his eyes and leaned in so only Hyperion could hear him." Tell me or I'll go all Jackson on your ass" he murmured.
Hyperion gasped, dropped his sword and rose his hands in surrender. "I work for Tartarus."
Jack signaled a camper to grab Hyperion and wrinkled his nose and he lowered his sword.
" Tartarus... I knew it was a primordial but Tartarus..."
Thalia walked up to him, "what do you mean?".
" I mean I know Tartarus pretty well. And well, he was the last one I thought would work against the gods".

The campers who were dealing with the Titan were struggling a bit, so Jack walked up to Hyperion and raised his sword to kill the Titan, but a second before he killed Hyperion, the latter shouted "I'll get you next time Jacks-" but he was cut off by being turned to dust.

Jack turned back to the camp and now gods who were gathered, "well that was easy!" He commented.

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