Chapter 4

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When the meeting was finally over the Olympians offered to flash Jack to Camp Half-Blood, Only to be turned down cause Jack said it was more fun to fly. The Olympians could only watch in wonder as the boy lifted up in the air, only using a stick and flew away.
Right before he left he turned around and looked Zeus in the eye, "I'll be at the camp tomorrow at the first signs of dawn" and flew away.

The minute Jack Frost was out of the room, it erupted into chaos. All the gods and immortals yelling and shouting trying to get the attention on themselves. After only 3 minutes of shouting Poseidon slammed his trident on the perfect marble of the floor, effectively shutting up all the deities in the room. He looked around the room, feeling satisfaction at having all the attention in the room. Poseidon looked at all the immortals one at a time before looking straight as Zeus.

"Jack Frost" his voice rose with each word "My son became Jack Frost!" by the end his voice was so loud the throne room shook. The god of the sea looked at Annabeth Chase, the famous architect. "Is this what you wanted! huh daughter of Athena? for my son to disappear for millennium only to be found looking like Perseus Jackson never existed!"

The daughter of Athena had tears in her eyes "It was not just me. He was different after the pit. It was a petty argument. Besides he would have left eventually." She mumbled the last sentence.

"and why do you say that he would have left eventually?" Demeter asked. The others in the room were surprised cause the goddess rarely spoke and/or paid attention during meetings.

Annabeth looked at Poseidon "He told me himself that he wanted to leave. He said that he felt like he put others in danger. He wanted isolation, that much was obvious. I was the only thing keeping him here... I didn't realize such a small fallout would send him over the edge. I'm honestly surprised he is even sane."

All the gods looked at Annabeth in surprise.

"What will we do about this? Would it be wise to tell the camps about him being Perseus or not?" Poseidon asked.

"I do not believe that it would be wise to tell the camps. He obviously does not want anyone to know. He seems content with how he is now, besides we don't want anyone to have an ice spike sticking out of their gut because they called him the wrong name"

"Yes well we have to tell Chiron"
Athena decided. "It would not be wise to leave him in the dark."

"Then it shall be done"

-time skip to dawn the next day-

The gods flashed in just in time to see Jack Frost land in front of the borders. They watched as he lifted his hand and cautiously put his hand up to where the barrier was. The moment his hand touched the boarder he rose up in the air and flew away from it.
The gods all heard him mumbling about a 'damn barrier trying to blast him back'.
Jack looked straight at Zeus "would you let me in... Or I won't be much help."
That comment broke the gods out of their stupor.

"Yes of course" Zeus waved his hand over the barrier. "Will you need a tour?"

Jack glanced back "Nah if I get lost I'll ask someone... Or I'll just fly around till I get where I want to go."

The minute he actually entered the camp he was swarmed with campers. All asking questions. He looked very uncomfortable and after only a minute flew up and out of the group. He landed behind the group and looked relived to be out of the center of attention. He heard his name being called before he looked over his shoulder to see Thalia running towards him.

"Hey Jack" she panted

"Thalia" he nodded curtly.

"You look like you need to spar"

"Thanks Thalia but I'm good"

"Why? I mean I wanna see if I can finally have some one to keep up with me... Well other than Nico"

"Umm Thalia I was just wondering... Are the hunters here?"

"Well if I'm here then they must be!" Thalia replied to his stupid question.

Jack stayed silent as they walked through camp. Getting weird looks. Eventually Thalia made sure they ended up at the arena.

"Are you sure you don't wanna spar?" Thalia asked, really wanting to spar with her cousin in disguise.

"No thanks I think I'll just train"
He responded obviously wanting to take out pent up anger on something he can't actually kill.

"Okay... Can I watch?"

"It's really not that entertaining but knock your self out" he pushed before the mumbled "literally"

Thalia took a seat in the bleachers and watched as Jack pulled out a sword. Thalia remembered that she always had riptide on her just in case she ran into Percy... Or in this case Jack.
Before he could do anything she jumped out of get seat and gave the pen to him. Explaining it was a sword. She was extremely surprised when he uncapped it and held it. He turned and handed the sword back to her telling her that it was a nice sword but he could never get used to it cause it was overly unbalanced.
She almost fainted when she realised how much he must have changed for a sword that was made for HIM to not work for HIM.

She watched Jack slice up dummy after dummy with his sword. The sword was pure white with a black handle. On the handle was the word FROST.
Jack was moving like he was born to fight. He had a style that she had never seen before. Thalia noticed it looked nothing like Percy's technique... Another way you would never tell it was Percy.

After hours Jack finally took a break... But he wasn't even sweating.

He had taken a drink if water before he looked up his piercing ice blue eyes mesmerised Thalia.
"Monsters coming towards camp" he said just before the conch horn was blown 3 times.. Signaling he was 100 percent right.


Well there you go guy... I'll try to update another in a bit. Bare with me and tell me if I should add any thing!

Thx guys


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