Chapter 2

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Immediately the throne room. erupted into chaos.
"Enough!" Zeus yelled and nodded to Artemis for her to continue.
"He is immensely powerful and knows of Greek mythology. He also knew who my lieutenant is and who the son of Hades is." Artemis looked around. "His name is Jack Frost"

The throne room became madness again only this time it was actually Ares to split up the other gods. Artemis nodded her thanks but before she could start talking Zeus asked one question "where is the boy?"

Artemis looked down "I am not sure father... He escaped. Although I did ask for help in the war, he turned me down saying he dose not and I quote 'associate with the greeks'. Zeus looked furious. Artemis huffed and snapped her fingers and within five seconds a very mad seventeen year old stood in front of the council. After a few (more than a few) in polite words in Greek the man calmed down. By then Hermes had followed the unspoken command and brought all of the now immortal councilors.

Zeus leaned towards the man but before he could say anything the man spoke. "Why am I here?"

Zeus answered "it has come to our knowledge you have spoken with Perseus Jackson". That sentence made a ripple go through the immortals. Considering they were all from Percy's time and knew him very well.

The man looked Zeus straight in the eye "He died".
This time immortals and gods alike started yelling at him.

"enough!" All eyes turned towards the king of the gods.
"You dare say that Perseus Jackson is dead when the god of death is right in front of you!?"

The man just nodded. "He was immortal by then and immortals don't die... They fade." He looked expectantly around the room waiting for the yelling to commence once again... Only to be met with silence.

"Wait!" The man turned to the person who spoke. "Who are you anyways?"

The icy man flew up still gripping his staff "Well Jason Grace I am Jack Frost" Jack explained.

Jason was surprised "how do you know who I am?"

Jack looked around and touched down on the ground again. "I have my ways".

Athena looked curious before asking a question " how did you know Perseus Jackson?"

"Well I found him freezing to death about two and a half millennia ago. Nursed him back to health. Only for him to die half a millennia later." Jack responded.
Jack looked lost in thought "he was a good man, very depressed, immortal at seventeen... Just like me. It must have been how we got along so well."

All eyes turned towards the god of truth. "He's lying and telling the truth. But its impossible to tell what is what."

"Ah yes I'm twisting the truth a bit... But just for my self, can't tell you all my secrets now can I? Although please keep in mind. There is more than one way to die" Jack paused "now I must be going. Lots of work to do... Ya know angering the weather gods and such."

He turned to leave "wait please! Are you sure you won't help with the war?"

"Haven't fought a war in over three millennia... I had a sword too..."

"Wait!" Athena called "the last war was the giant war... We never saw you"

"Oh but I was there! I fought on the ground with the demigods... It was after all before I was immortal." Jack responded.

"Y-you were a demi god?"

"Why Athena... Every one starts somewhere".

Zeus looked at Apollo for a second. "and who wa-is your godly parent?" Jack flew back up and obviously did not want to say. "If you lie we will know" Zeus guestureing towards Apollo. Jack still didn't answer.

Athena spoke up "the only options would be Zeus because you fly, Kihone because of the snow and ice... And on a rare case a son of... Poseidon... Can use ice and snow"

Athena paused "You said you were a demi god in the giant war and that you were immortalised at seventeen. A-and you knew Perseus Jackson, 'there is more than one way to die'"

Jack looked Athena in the eye, piercing blue against stormy gray. "I'm sorry that you all have thought Perseus Jackson was alive all this time, but I can assure you he is long since dead, faded, gone".

Jack flew up and dashed to the door. All the poor immortals watched in scilence at what was unfolding.

Jack opened the door but before he could dash out Athena called one sentence "Perseus Jackson don't you dare fly out that door!"
All the other people (or immortals whatever) in that room looked from the wisdom goddess to the figure hovering in the door way.

Jack Frost turned around eyes flashing. "I don't take orders from anyone... Especially greeks" and he was gone.

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