[2] knowledge

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"Lucy?!" Natsu whispered confused.

"I guess you do." The man smile was as evil as his aura.

"That doesn't matter, what are you doing to that child!" Erza commanded an answer.

"Oh this one!" The purple haired Mage laughed. "We were just... Questioning her."

"Now guys, it would be rude if we didn't say our names." The blonde man laughed. "I'm Travis, the one with the purple hair is Emily and the dark haired one is Eric, now tell us your names."

"We don't have to tell you anything." Gray commented.

"Well that's rude!" Emily pouted.

"We'll just beat it out of them." Eric threatened.

"Yea right!" Natsu exclaimed. "We'll kick your asses!"

Emily laughed. Her voice was sweet and caring, she could be very conceivable. "Yea right, we'd like to see you try."

Everyone stood angered by each other. "Hey guys!" A voice shouted that seemed out of breath. The mages looked to see a blonde almost tripping over herself.

"Lucy!" Wendy called back surprised.

"So that's her..." Travis whispered.

Lucy caught her breath and looked at the situation. "What did I miss...?"

"Oh nothing, we were just leaving." Eric laughed and turned. "Let's go."

The three mages disappeared into the night shadows. Everyone stood shocked but Lucy, who was more confused. "What just happened?"

"Never mind that, are you ok?!" Erza exclaimed running for the teenager. Strands of hair covered her hair and a cut across her cheek was bleeding down her neck.

"I got this." Wendy assured standing next to the girl and began to heal her. The girl looked at Wendy.

"Y-you have lost magic?" She whispered clearly in pain.

"Yes, but that's not important right now." Wendy replied trying to concentrate. Well that happened Natsu explained to Lucy what had just happened.

"They knew me?" Lucy asked shocked.

"Yea... It worries me." Natsu confessed.

"Maybe because of my family."


The girl had start to look better just after a few minutes. Although she was in rough shape they knew she could explain some things. "What's your name?" Happy asked.

"It's Jen." The girls voice was shaking.

"Why were those guys doing all that to you." Erza asked.

"I-It's because I'm a celestial wizard, they stole some of my power and forced it into this gem. I tried to fight them off but I wasn't strong enough for all three!" Jens voiced raised in agony.

Everyone's eyes were wide. "Your a celestial wizard?!" Lucy asked, her mind was blank.

"Yes but, I only have silver keys. My dad used to be a merchant so he got me three on his journeys. Him and my mom passed away two months ago..." The girl bowed her head.

"Im a celestial wizard." Lucy added happiness in her voice. Jen's face lit up.

"You are?! can I see your keys?"Jen sounded amazed.

Lucy hesitated but gave her the pouch full of gates. Her fingers touched the keys lightly like gold. Natsu had a small smirk on his face seeing how Lucy interacted with this child.

"We should take you home." Erza suggested.

"Can I take her?" Lucy asked.

"I don't think its safe for you to go alone after those guys knew who you were." Gray replied.

"I'll go with her." Natsu finished, turning in they're direction. "Lets go, Jen lead the way."

Jen nodded and headed up the street. "We'll be back very soon." Lucy added before jogging to catch up. Gray, Erza and Wendy all smiled and headed to the inn.
"This is it." Jen pointed at the small house to the left. It was a little dirty but mostly plain. The lights were on in the house and it seemed normal,

"Is this your house?" Lucy asked marveling at the cozy home.

"Yea, it's a small orphanage." Jen headed to the door. Before she opened it she turned to the mages. "Thank you for all of your help, I might have been dead if it wasn't for you."

Lucy and Natsu smiled. "It was nothing!" The blonde cheered and waved goodbye. Jen nodded and opened the door. It seemed she was stalling but soon enough it closed all the way.

"Let's go, we don't want to wake Erza up." Natsu feared with his eyes wide.

"Yea." Lucy whispered and started up the street. A small breeze flicked through the air leaving goosebumps on their skin.

The inn was quiet with only the small crackling fire. The inn keeper was packing up at the front desk, making sure all of his papers were in order. When the door creaked open he smiled. "Are you the friends the mages were talking about?"

"Yes." Natsu assured. "Where are our keys?"

The man walked over to the fire. "On my desk, once you pick them up just go upstairs, everything is ready"

"Thank you." Lucy stalled to the desk and picked up the keys. The shinny gold engraved a A-4 and a A-7. Natsu let Lucy pick the number in which she was staying. The blonde Mage ended up picking four and handed Natsu the seven. Quickly they slid up Into their rooms. Since Lucy's room was before Natsu's he walked Her to it. She turned the key in the knob and opened the door a slight crack. "Goodnight, Natsu."

"Goodnight Luce.." Natsu whispered patting her on the head. A small blush formed on her face and she entered her room. She paused and waited for the footsteps outside the door to stop. Turning around the blonde took in her room. It was small, but big enough to fit one person. The walls had about four paintings that showed the sky and other amazing sights. The bed was made with a ocean blue shade and the pillows were perfectly placed. There was two seats that looked comfortable and enjoyable. A small window caught the moons light and it shinned brightly. Lucy set her keys down and plopped on the bed, the exhaustion hit her like a shot in the head. Her head ached, her limbs sore. Breathing steadily she thought about several things and instantly was asleep.

Through the window with glowing light it almost seemed like there was someone there.

It watched her closely, then moved its gaze to her keys. His breathes were slowly and deep making tension in the air. In a matter of seconds the figure was gone...

Who was that figure?!

How will team Natsu do tomorrow at they're job?

Find out in the next chapter,
[3] Challenges ahead

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