[4] Target Lucy

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The celestial Mage and dragon slayers all stayed close the the town square. It was about three and they suspected to arrive back at magnolia at five. Lucy chatted with the merchants well Natsu tried one to many free samples. Wendy talked to a girl about her age, they seemed friends. Everything seemed relax. The first to show up was Erza with Charla not long before Gray and Happy. The fairy tail mages regrouped and discovered they're findings. Erza and gray seemed to have no luck. Everyone decided to leave as soon as possible. Natsu complained and wined more then a baby getting into the train. No one said a word until Erza broke the silence.

"So do you think the shards and silver parts have a connection?" Erza asked examining the findings.

"I have no idea really." Lucy sighed.

Gray peeked over to take a quick look. He noticed something quickly. "Hey, those shard colors almost match your necklaces color." Lucy looked down at her necklace and noticed it too.

"It's a very pretty necklace." Wendy complimented being her usual self.

Everyone chatted until the train came to a stop.

"Back already?" Gray questioned surprised.

Natsu jumped to his feat. "LONGEST hours of my life." He bolted for the door and was the first one out. Everyone smiled and started for the door.


Everyone was quiet walking back to the guild. Since it was five people had gone into their houses for dinner. The streets were quiet and peaceful. A small breezed brushed against the mages sending chills down they're backs. Everyone was tired and hungry from the journey, Lucy gave a small sigh. "I'm going to go back to my house to rest. I'll stop by the guild later." Her friends looked at her confused. She waved goodbye and turned the corner leaving them alone.

"Is she ok?" Gray asked.

"She's fine." Erza replied closing her eyes. "Maybe she just needs some rest."

Everyone stayed quiet and kept walking leaving a awkward silence.


Lucy took a deep breath. She stood in front of her house, nothing seemed off. She took her small house key and swiftly placed it in the knob. When she was about to unlock it the door slightly opened by itself. Her eyes widened, "I forgot to lock it?" She carefully opened the door and as quiet as she could went up the stairs. There was a lump in her throat that she couldn't swallow leaving it to sit. Her hand was wavering over Lokes key incase she was surprised by an intruder. The door creaked open and she turned on the light. Lucy's eyes examined the room with caution and detail. Her ears listened to even the closest sound, you could drop a pin it was so quiet. After a while she gave up and thought it was her imagination.

Lucy sighed and plopped onto her bed. Finally the exhaustion caught up to her and hit her like a bus. "I didn't know this job would be so tiring." She groaned and put her keys next to her bed still holding onto one and her head hit the pillow. Closing her eyes she drifted.

That was, until she heard the floor creak.

Lucy shot her head up and instantly her mouth was covered by a hand. She tried to scream but the figure almost made it impossible. Thinking of the next best thing Lucy needed to get away so, she sunk her teeth into his hand. He quickly removed it from her mouth and stumbled back. She grabbed her keys and just when one of her spirits was called he bolted for her and met her face to face. He had a mask on that covered everything but his eyes. He met her in a low whisper. "We can do this easy or forcefully." Lucy struggled to break free from his grasp and she smashed her head foreword and smashed into the bridge of his nose. He stumbled backward and grunted in pain. Reaching for her keys Lucy realized they were gone. Though even though he had snatched them she still had Lokes. Looking up he met her gaze and her stomach dropped.

"Who are you?" Lucy exclaimed shaking.

"Your coming with me." The figure replied full of rage.

"Never!" Lucy started for the door but was pushed into the wall forcefully. The glass shattered and both were sent free falling. The figure let go to try and land of his feet. Lucy landed on her right side and the glass cut into her arm and stomach. She screamed in pain and tears formed in her eyes. The man landed on his feet and gave a smirk under the mask. Lucy snapped back to reality. Her key she had held onto was gasped by the pain in her arm. Her arms were shaking and tears and blood streamed down her body. Knowing that it was a slim chance she held out the key. "Loke... Please."

The gold gate appeared and out came her old friend. He looked at her on the ground and his face filled with shock and surprise. "Lucy!" He exclaimed scooping her out of the glass. She was loosing blood fast and was pale beyond belief. If she stayed like this it wouldn't be long before she died. Loke looked at her in fear. Then, Lucy opened one eye to meet his gaze. "Help." The spirit stood there, his mind blank. Looking at her like this was to hard to comprehend. He set her down gently and turned to the man who was brushing glass off his coat.

Lokes mind was filled with rage and vengeance. "If you want to die here be my guest." The spirits presence deepened and became overwhelmingly dangerous. The man tensed up and disappeared not long after the threat. Loke felt like he was fading because of Lucy's power. Swiftly he picked her up and bolted for the only place he knew that would help, the guild. As he ran he glimpsed at Lucy, her arm was in pretty bad shape and her stomach was full of cuts. And although she was in this much pain she held onto his key like it was the only thing she had left. He was fading, he could feel his power fading, he could feel Lucy fading. The guild was so close, Loke had only a little more to go.

The guild doors bursted with great force. Everyone quickly turned their heads and looked in horror as Loke stood breathing heavily and Lucy smeared in blood. Her friends rushed to the spirit and the injured Mage. Natsu was the first to reach her and Loke dropped the Mage into Natsu's arms. The pink haired Mage looked at Lucy with horror, then at Loke.

Loke started to fade. "Please.... Save her!" And disappeared into thin air. Natsu looked at the Mage in his arms.

He was so shocked only one word came out of his mouth. "Lucy?"


Will Lucy be ok? What does the guild think about this horrifying experience?!

Find out in the next chapter [5] despair

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