[11] For Him

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"Mira." A voice called from the other side of the guilds bar. The white haired mage turned to see Erza.

"Hello Erza, what can I do for ya?" She chirped.

"Have Natsu and Lucy come back yet?" Ezra questioned almost concerned.

Mira frowned. "No they haven't."

As they talked Gray and Juvia made they're way over to the conversation. "What was the job they were sent out on?" Juvia asked.

Mira reached for under the bar and pulled out a large book. The label was titled 'records'. She flipped the pages to the end and traced her finger over the past jobs everyone has been out on. "Here." She spoke. "It says they went out on a job to catch a man who was illegally selling potions. It was also here in magnolia."

Gray almost seemed shocked. "So why wouldn't they be back if it was an easy job?" He asked.

"That's the real question." Erza replied.

"Maybe something happened.." Juvia whispered.

"Whatever it was, it could have been really strong considering Natsu isn't back yet."

Dark Clouds filled the sky on that morning. The air felt cold, lifeless and dry. The town was quiet from the ominous weather making everything feel weary. Makarov devised a plan. "Wendy and Charla, you guys will fly up in the sky and see if you can spot anything. Gray and Juvia, go around and see if you can find out anything from the townspeople. Ezra, go on the outskirts of town and see if there are any clues to where Lucy and Natsu could have gone." Everyone nodded remembering their jobs. "Bring home your family." He added.

The fairy tail mages rushed out the door with the same mission in mind. whatever happened to the duo, they would figure it out.


The blondes breathing became heavy. She had broken out of the chains once again, but using power sucked it right into the harmful necklace. When Lucy stood up she instantly felt dizzy and nauseous. The bruises on her wrists and ankles were reminding scars of what had happened that night. She slowly walked over to the cell door and pulled as hard as she could. But it was locked. Her heart sank at the thought of Sean coming back and seeing she got out of her chains again. Harder and harder she pulled at the door but it wouldn't budge. The struggling blonde sank to her knees in disbelief and pain. Her eyes couldn't hold back the tears, and she sobbed quietly. She wanted to know Natsu was safe, she wanted to save him but, it seemed there wasn't anything left to do. "I'm so sorry Natsu." Lucy whaled. "I'm sorry you had to get involved with me." Her tears were unstoppable. "I'm so so sorry..."

"Lucy?" a voice whispered down the hall. Her head shot up and almost instantly sank to the back of the cell in fear. "Lucy are you here?" The voice called again.

She paused for a moment and then almost cried with joy. "Happy!"

He quickly flew to the mages cell and saw her condition. "Lucy what did they do to you?!"

Her blonde strands of hair swept in front of her head. "That doesn't matter, did you find Natsu?"

The cat frowned. "No, I followed Sean and were at some temple sort of thing... I don't know but it looks creepy."

Lucy thought about it for only a few seconds. "It's probably they're hideout, can you get me out of here?

"The keys are at the end of the hallway, I'll get them!" The cat cheered quickly flying out of view.

Lucy sat eagerly to get out. She knew that there wasn't any time to find Natsu but that thought made her heart ache. The blue cat returned with the rack of keys that resembled Lucy's. Finally the mage fully realized that she didn't have her keys and had no idea where they were. Her eyes started to fill with tears once more. "Don't cry Lucy!" Happy exclaimed. "We are gonna escape to the guild to get more forces."

The bright bronze keys jingled and echoed through the long hallway until the creek of the cell door opened. Happy looked at Lucy's injuries and almost gasped. "Don't worry I'm fine." Lucy assured.

"Those look bad though..." Happy replied worried.

"I know but once we get to the guild I'll get care for them." The blonde looked at her purple wrists and touched it gently. The pain seized through her arm and she almost shouted in pain.

"Lucy let me fly you back to the guild it'll be faster!" The blue cat exclaimed.

"Yea alright..."

The mage ran down the hallway as quietly as she could. Her bare feet felt the cold stone ground. Every cell Lucy passed the blonde glanced into just to make sure Natsu wasnt there.

Finally they came to the end. "This way." Happy whispered pointing to the right pathway and flew towards it Lucy closely following behind. After more twists and turns they finally reached the opening the cat had come from. Happy gently flew Lucy out of the ceiling opening and out to the trees. The blonde quickly realized that it was the village they visited where the fairy tail mages met the enemy's.

The farther they got from the temple the more guilt Lucy had felt, soon they would find out she left and would come after her. But her worries were on Natsu. She closed her eyes and prayed he'd be safe until she got back.

The mages landed on the ground below the mountain of the temple. Lucy fell to her knees in exhaustion. "You ok Lucy?" Happy asked.

"Y-Yea.... just had to take a breath that's all."

Something cracked in the woods.

"Where do you think you guys are going?" A voice echoed out of the trees, she knew that voice anywhere. Out came a tall blonde male, his smirk more devious then his mind.

"Travis?!" The fairy tail mage voice cracked as the hope she once had disappeared.
Oh no! What's gonna happened now that Travis knows?!
Will Natsu be alright alone?

Find out next chapter in [12] Fight or Flight

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