[9] Meteor Shower

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"Watch out guys!" A blue cat shouted from the sky. He swooped down and dropped a glass vile down onto his friends. When it broke a green mist filled the area and it became easier and easier to breath.

"How did you?!" The man called shocked.

"The bag you were selling to your customers had a cure spell in it." Happy smirked.

"Damn it!" The man shouted. Lucy was coughing and trying to catch her breath. Natsu finally stood up.

"Fire dragon roar!" The Mage shouted and fire came shooting from his mouth. It was so fast and hot not even a person with fast magic could dodge it. The enemy was engulfed into the flames and when the fire was gone nothing was left but ashes.

Natsu took a deep breath. It was a harder battle then they expected. He turned around to see Happy helping Lucy to her feet. The dragon slayer sighed. "You ok Luce?"

She brushed off her skirt. "Yea I'm fine, thank god happy was here to save us.

Happy smiled. "No problem!"

The blonde quickly picked up the backpack that was left behind with many glass jars filled with all sorts of magic. "Let's take this to the job owner and collect our reward!"

Natsu jumped with happiness. "Yes!"

The mages were filled with excitement. As they walked, they talked about dinner and what was about to come tonight.

Everything seemed calm and quiet.


The sun had set on magnolia. The moon was rising with a beautiful glow that lit up the sky with stars. The streets were alive with adults and their children. Many shops were open still because of the night and were selling lanterns, jewelry and Natsu's favorite, food.

The fairytail mages walked along the side walks once more laughing and talking together. The show would start soon so they decided to take their seats on the Central Park. Many other people were there and all were sitting on picnic blankets. Natsu and Lucy sat right below the tree that stood in the middle on everyone.

"Are you excited?" The dragon slayer asked.

"I'm more then excited! Lucy replied. "This doesn't usually happen!"

Just then, a blue cat flew down from the sky and infront of the mages. He seemed to be hold some sort of food. "Nice happy!" Natsu praised.

"It's fish flavored Popsicle!" Happy grinned devouring his.

Lucy almost gaged. "Uh you can have mine happy!"

Natsu laughed. "More for him."

Then, the the stars in the sky seemed to brighten. One by one the glowing lights flew across the sky leaving a magical feeling. The crowd wowed in amazement. Lucy never took her eyes off the sky. The pink haired Mage looked at his partner. His eyes softened just thinking about her. Something about her made him feel happy and calm.

"Natsu look! It's Lokes constellation!" She pointed to the left part of the sky and it made out a lion. Even the boy was amazed at the sky, it was something out of a fairy tale.

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