Chapter 12 - that video...

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"Oh jesus..." Said kurapika when he had finish wearing the clothes kuroro asked him to wear. "Is this even a top? It looks more like a bra to me. All it covers is my breast and some parts of my arm. And this skirt, it's too short. If I bend down my panties are gonna be exposed." Complained kurapika.

"You look so cute!!!" Said kuroro. "I'm cutting my hair," said kurapika. "NO! You can just tie it into two pig tails." Said kuroro.

The troupe separated into groups of twos to ambush the person that kept on following kuroro. So, kuroro and Kurapika pretended that they were having a date. While the rest spy on them trying to find out who is following the two of them.

"This is embarrassing. -///-" Commented kurapika. "Don't be," said kuroro, " you're TOOO CUTEEEE! ❤️.❤️" kuroro then put his hand around Kurapika's waist like they are dating. Kurapika blushed in the arms of kuroro. "I don't feel safe around you," blurted Kurapika.

They took a seat at a cafe and pretended that they are really dating.(but thier status is way over dating...) "Isn't this great! We're dating." Said kuroro. "Well don't get to carried away, we're only pretending," reminded kurapika. "Pretending? We have done way more than date. We already even had se-" "DON'T!!!..... Say that in public." Kurapika interupted.

"Fine, I shall say that another way. We've seen each other's -" kuroro stop when he saw kurapika picking up a knife, glaring at him. "Ok! I'll stop..." Said kuroro. "Thank you...." Thanked kurapika. "For now..." Added kuroro. Kurapika grinned his teeth and looked away, annoyed.

Hours past by and the troup have not spotted anyone suspicious. Kuroro and kurapika was running out of things to do. "What time is it?" Said kurapika with a tired face. "It's 10pm.... I know! Let's go there," suggested kuroro as he points to a bar.

"What are we gonna do there? Drink beer? We can't fight properly if we're drunk." Said kurapika. "The rest can handle that guy." Pointed kuroro. They went in and drank...

[Lovely dovely music playing]

"Hey I like the music," announced kuroro. "Yeah, let's dance!" Suggested kurapika without thinking as he was already drunk. They danced like they really are girlfriend and Boyfriend. "Awww.... Look at that." Said shalnark. He video the two of them dancing sweetly with each other.

"I think we've found our target," said phinx. Machi signaled kuroro and he signaled machi to move and attack.

Kuroro and kurapika went ahead and returned to the hideout to rest.

[The next morning]

"Hey kurapika, I didn't know you could dance like that," said shalnark. "Like what," asked kurapika. Shalnark showed kurapika the video. "AAARRRRGGHHH!!!"

Kon'nichi wa minna-san!!!! Sorry for the late update and mistakes.... Again.

Anyways.... Enjoy:)

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