Season 2: Chapter 15 -

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kuroro couldn't believe his eyes. Kurapika would rather Kiss leorio than him?! He was really hurted. Without any word he walked away from the door and dragged his feet and as he walks by himself thinking about what he saw.

-2 Days Later-

"Man, Kurapika sure looks cuter being a girl." commented killua as he walks together with leorio and gon. "He actually does act like that even when she was a guy. you just don't notice it." pointed out leorio.

While walking, They bumped into Phinx, nobunaga and feitan. "Hey! Have you guys seen the boss?!" asked phinx. "He's been missing since yesterday." added nobunaga.
' Who cares about him' Leorio thought.

"Kurapika has been worried sick. She seems stressed out." Said feitan, knowing what was on leorio's mind. "Wait, Kurapika's worried?" said leorio taking back what he has thought previously.

"You're an Asshole." blurted out feitan, again knowing that leorio changed his mind. Nobinaga who's been noticing the state feitan and leorio was in decidedly to do something. He put his hand on feitan's head and patting him like a little kid, and said, facing leorio "Ah hahah, I'm sorry. Feitan has been grumpy lately."

Feitan being treated like a nuisance and a little kid got more grumpy. He removed nobunaga's hand and left. "Well, Tell us if u saw kuroro anywhere." said Phinx as he ends off the conversation.

"Tsk! Whats wrong with that shorty. He gets on my nerves. " commented leorio. "Feitan-sama is really like that, don't mind him. Anyway, Don't we have a new mission?" reminded killua.

"Ya, I think is to find their lost member." Said leorio, unsure. "Do you remember her name. " asked kurapika. "I think its... Machu? No.... Its Macho.... wait, That sounded weird." again leorio unsure of the names, trying to sereach for it in his brain. (Holy shit did that rhyme? 'Names'.... 'brain'..... idk. Back to the story:))

"Its Machi, Idiot." said a certain yokai, whose leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his right leg up. Leorio, annoyed with the kitsune, was about to charge up at him but was stopped by killua. They just ignored the kitsune and continued walking.

'Whatt the hell is wrong with that guy. Tsk tsk, He gets on my nerves.' thought leorio as he look back to take a look at that guy once more. And then noticing how tge guy had fox ears and tail. 'What the?! is he a kitsune?! no way.' he thought again as he makes a shocked face with his jaw dropped.

killua noticing this, pulled leorio for him to continue walking. "Oi, Lets go, leorio." said killua quite annoyed by the elders attitude. "Killua, did you notice that that guy is an actual kitsune?!" asked leorio but did not get any answers from the little one.


"Wahhhhhhh!!!!! I'm sorry... its all my fault." kurapika cried at feitan's chest... Feitan who was walking pass kurapika's room heard crying, he knocked on the door worried. Kurapika opened the door and when he saw feitan, she quickly pulled hin in and on the couch, and cried on his chest. right now, kurapika is hugging feitan tightly, crying as much as she can. feitan who does not have the feels to reject kurapika, runing out of  breath, just tried comforting kurapika.

"Don't worry, he'll come back soon..." Said feitan trying to calm kurapika down. "But whennn!!!! A year later?! WAHHHHHH!!!!" kurapika cried more of the thought he may never see her precious kuroro lucifer again. kurapika leaned in more, making feitan more uncomfortable with the position, though she didn't mean it.

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