Why is he leaving?!

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The rest of school is the same. Mark and I talked all day but I was still thinking about weston and him moving.

At home~
I ran to my room and opened the window. Weston was packing up his room. I cannot believe he's leaving tomorrow...I can feel tears brimming in my eyes but I wipe them away.

It's not like we are in love or anything, I mean we are only 13! Why am I so concerned about him moving. We are gonna stay in touch...

I climb across the tree branch and knock on his window. He smiles and opens it.

"Hey" I say as I jump in to his room.
"Hi." He says as he hugs me.i hug back.
My head is in the crook of his neck and I feel protected.im gonna miss him...
We finally let go of eachother with sadness in our eyes.

"Do you almost done packing?" I question.
He shakes his head no.
"Wanna skip packing and come do something with me.it can be our Goodbye to eachother.
He chuckles and speaks.
"I can't but maybe in a little bit."
I nod my head then head for the window.

I don't look back but instead I just climb to my room. This is gonna be good for him...he will become famous and live his dream, I can't do anything about it.

I go to my bed and turn in my computer. I'm bored and I don't want to do anything,so I just watch Netflix.

After a couple episodes of pretty little liars I pass out.
I then wake up to my phone going off. The time reads 1:00 am.om I slept for a long time. I check what it is and its a text from weston.

Hey I'm done packing
Wanna have a star meeting, we haven't done it for a couple days?
Ya meet u out there😉

I put my phone down and head to the window. I climb out and head to my roof and see weston already up there.
I just realized this is our last star meeting.

I sit next to him and feel tears coming, but I am not going to cry in front of him...I just can't. I turn my head away from his and let some tears fall. But I wipe the away.

Weak. Then turns my head back to him so our eyes are locked on eachother. His eyes are so beautiful. They are a brown and a tiny of green when you look closely. I then don't think all I do is cry.ugh...I'm weak I know.

Weston then brings me in for an embrace.god he smells good.
I put my head on his shoulder and just hold him. He rubs my back and whispers stuff.
"Ally you mean every thing to me, so please don't cry..."

I pull away wiping the tears and I lay down. Just staring at the stars.they are shining and beautiful. Emily used to tell me our dad was up there. I didn't believe it.
I can feel weston staring straight at me. God he is perfect...I'm gonna miss him but I can't let him miss out on his dream. From here on...I'm gonna be the best damn girlfriend ever and in not gonna cry...or show him I'm sad.

He's leaving and I have to accept that...

So I look at weston and smile...
"When you get famous don't forget about me..."

Ok so here is the chapter. Next chapter will be better...I swear.but this story is getting sad like omfg!
But I'm so happy weston got his Twitter back! I still can't believe his story has 1k but I'm so happy about it.thank u all for reading!😘😍❤️

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