Its show time !!!

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Just a glance at her could make my day. I was sad that she had left without quite noticing me but I was happy I had seen her for a longer time than the other usual days.

The day passed by thinking about Stella. I was literally daydreaming of how my life would be if she comes into my life. Also I was hoping she would have atleast noticed me once till now.

Days passed by the same way. I would try and get a glimpse of her once during the entire day. It continued for some days.

Finally it was the day of our main event. I had to do the anchoring of the event with nancy, my batchmate and also my co-host.

We were doing rehersals whole day long. I was a little scared but excited too. Hopes were high again that finally Stella will notice me in the event. I wanted to give my best shot.

I'm damn excited!!

Evening time!

We had to be there a couple of hours early bcz being the organisers we had to have everything in place. We had to check all the arrangements and had to coordinate with the participants.

We were supposed to do the final rehearsals one last time on the stage to get rid of any kinda stage fear. Very quickly I dressed up for the event. It was a cultural event so formals was the dress code. I wore a black suit with black trousers and a white and black checks shirt inside. I wore my new dashing loafers underneath. I did my hair and gave myself one last look in the mirror. Perfect!

Rushed back to the stage. I was very enthusiastic for anchoring the show. My co-host was still getting ready so I had a couple of minutes to relax.

Loads of thoughts were going on inside my head. How will the reaction of the audience be? Is Stella going to be present? I hope I don't stumble cz of the nervousness. Oops! I should be positive. We all had put in our best efforts to take this show to its peak.

And finally it was show time!

Stage was set. Public was getting filled up. Backstage people were going mad. Too many noises. Everyone was hell tensed. My batchmates were all present. All the committee members of all the classes also present helping the participants. In the second half of event I was going to participate in the fashion show so had to manage the time and stuff.

It was completely dark. The whole aura made me nervous. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. I was shivering.

The audience was hooting and cheering. From the side of the curtains I tried to look for Stella. But it was completely dark so nothing was visible. I was dejected as I wanted to see her just once before the show. I tried to focus on the script and left it all on God hoping he might have a plan for me.

The curtains had risen. The hall was jam packed. All the authorities of the college and the parents of the students had arrived. Also the students of all the classes who weren't participating had come to cheer us.

We had a small prayer before the show. It had started. I closed my eyes and prayed. Took a deep breath to calm myself down.Prayers ended.

I went onto the stage. My legs were shaking. People were shouting and calling out my name. I felt confident and all the cheering boosted me. The spotlight on me blinded my vision. I could hardly make out any faces in the audience. Only noises were coming.

I began with a kind of introductory speech. As I went on with my speech, confidence was building up. I guess I was doing well. I was spontaneous and had a good sense of humor so it helped a lot. Also nancy was doing well.

My parents were also there in audience. I din't even know whether Stella had come or not. I was scared. And was praying to God to make her notice me.

One after the other we called out for the dances, dramas etc. Events were going on nicely. We cracked jokes in between sending the audience into hysterics. It was awesome how we managed to capture the attention of everyone present.

My anchoring part was about to end. I thoroughly enjoyed myself during the hosting but I had to go for the fashion show.

I handed over my hosting script to my batchmates and rushed into the green room. I changed quickly into my black outfit and applied all the tattoos and stuff required.

Our name was annouced. We made a fabulous entry and people were cheering. One by one all the other groups members walked in style, all dressed fashionably. The fashion show went perfectly.

All the other groups had also performd well. In short the event was a huge success. Everything went as per the plan.

At last we had a prize distribution. We won the 1st prize in drama and dance and got 2nd prize in fashion show. All the batchmates were delighted.

I was extremely happy when my mom and dad called me and told me that I rocked the stage. I was on cloud nine hearing that!! The day went off extraordinarily. But it ended without a glimpse of her. There a tinge of incompleteness to my happiness.


edit by my besty

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