Chapter 7: The Hospital

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Michelle POV


We all sat in the lobby and watched as Katherine was carried away on a gernie. The blood from her arm was dripping on the floor and doctors. Her limp body laid motionless on the gernie as they ran her to the operation room. I felt warm tears stream down my red cheeks.

"Jacob, where's the note?" I whispered, turning to face him. He didn't respond. He stood with a thoughtful look, staring at some guy. "Jacob, stop staring at that guy. It's weird." I said wiping my tears from my face. He shook his head and faced me. "Sorry, he just looks really familiar." Jacob apologized, looking back at the guy again. I looked at the guy too. He had jet black hair that was messily combed. His eyes were a vibrant green. He had on a black leather jacket. Under it was a plain white v neck. He had on jeans and white Adidas sneakers. He was pretty young, maby in his teens or early 20s. He kinda remind me of Gavin. "Excuse me are you Michelle Martin?" A nurse asked, tapping my shoulder for my attention. "Yeah, what happened? Is Katherine okay?" I replied nervously. Jacob wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me calm.

Here's a thing. I have the biggest crush on Jacob. I've had this crush since 6th grade and we're in our junior year. I've dated before to keep my mind off of him, but he just keeps me head over heels.

I always laugh when people say they were friend-zoned but from the looks of it, I'm pretty deep in there too. Whenever he does things like put his arm around me, it gives me butterflies. I used to think it was a special thing we had untill Katherine came along. I mean I love her to bits and she's my best friend, but whenever Jacob puts his arm on her waist or holds her hand I get jealous.

"She's getting stitches on her arm as we speak. She may need to stay for a few more days. Does she have a parent or guardians speak too?" The nurse explained, her voice monotoned. Mom? Nope. Dad? NO. Uh oh. "Um... No, but you can talk to my mom. Katherine's been staying with me so I'm guessing that sort of makes my mom her guardian?" Jacob explained. He looked the red-headed nurse in the eyes. She nodded her head hesitantly. "Okay. What's her phone number?" The nurse asked as she walked behind the counter to get the phone. Jacob told the lady his mom's number and her name. I glanced over at that guy who Jacob was looking at before. He was looking at us while he was talking on the phone. He smiled at me and I slowly turned back around to Jacob and the nurse. Well that was creepy. Another nurse walked up to the one we were talking to and said Katherine was accepted for visitors.

"Can we go?" I asked giving my best puppy dog eyes. The nurse laughed along with Jacob. "Sure! I'll take you guys." She said happily. Well she's much nicer than the blond nurse. We finally made it to the room Katherine was in. A doctor was writing down things on a clipboard next to Katherine's bed. I gasped when I saw my best friend laying limp on the bed. Her face was drained from all color and she had bandages up her arm. An I.V. was placed on the other arm. She was sleeping calmly, her eyes twitching once and a while. "Is she okay? What happened? Why is she asleep?" I blurted out to the doctor. Jacob grabbed my hand and rubbed small circles on it with his thumb to calm me down. His eyes were locked on Katherine. "She's fine. She just had amnesia so she was drowsy and fell asleep. She needs to stay 2 more days. We also think she may need 'crazy medicine'." The doctor said, making quotation marks with his fingers. Crazy medicine? I gave him a confused look, as did Jacob. Just then Katherine's eyes shot open. She began to scream and cry. I rushed to her side with Jacob close behind. "HOLD HER DOWN!" The doctor yelled to me and Jacob. I pushed down on her shoulder and uninjured arm. Jacob knelt on the foot of the bed and held her legs down. The doctor did the same as me.

"Michelle! Michy!" Katherine choked out, calming down slightly. Her breathing began to pick up, as did her heart rate. "What? Tell me Katherine!" I told her, brushing her hair out of her face. "He's here." She said hyperventilating. "Who?" I said calmly. "D-Dad's k-k-kidnapper." She choked. She was starting to lose breath. I let go of Katherine completely and stepped away from the bed allowing nurses and doctors to rush to her side. Jacob grabbed my arm and pushed us outside. Tears began to fall from my eyes again. I pulled Jacob into a hug and cried into his chest. He rubbed my hair with his hand and hummed softly, trying to calm me.

"What did Katherine tell you?" He asked me, not releasing our hug. "Dad... Kidnapper.. Here.. Hospital.." I stuttered. I felt him tense up. I released from our hug and wiped a few tears from my cheek. "We have to keep her safe, Jacob." I said firmly. My eyes locked on his. "We will." He said looking through the small room window at Katherine. I took in a deep breath and looked around at every person who walked by. Anyone in here could be the kidnapper.


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