Chapter 6: The Visit

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Michelle, Jacob and I walked into the Prison building. There was a police officer at almost every corner. The walls were grey and in the middle of the room stood a desk. A lady worked busily behind it, typing on her computer and writing on papers. I walked up to her desk, Jacob and Michelle close behind. "Excuse me." I said. The lady looked up from her work. "Who are you here to visit?" The lady said snootily, looking us three up and down. "Jessica Mills." I replied grabbing onto Jacob's hand and squeezing it. When I'm scared or sad I grab Jacob's hand and squeeze it. He says his hand is my personal stress ball.

"What's your relation?" The lady asked, typing on her computer.
"Daughter. These are my friends." "Okay, I'm going to need a drivers license from all three of you." The lady said reaching her hand out. I reached into the pocket of my jeans (we all had changed before coming in because I know no one would take us seriously in onesies) and pulled out my wallet.

I took out my license and handed it to the lady. Jacob and Michelle did the same. The lady typed some things on her computer and gave us all tags that said visitor on it. "Walk down this hall then to left. Box number three." She said pointing to the hallway next to her desk. I thanked her and followed her directions.

Michelle came to my side. "Did you bring the note?" She whispered as she pulled down on her black beanie. "Yeah. I did." I said, sticking my hands in my pockets. "You okay?" Michelle asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "Just a little nervous." I replied. She gave me a questioned look then quickly wiped it off. We reached the visitor boxes. I took a seat at box number three, just like the lady had told us. The box had a clear glass in the middle of the large table. On the sides were two large makeshift walls. Attached to one was a telephone as well as on the other side of the glass.

A loud buzz noise came from the other side of the room. Two police officers came in with my mom in their hands. The made it to our box. They sat her down and uncuffed her hands. "30 minutes. Make it quick." One of the officers said. I nodded and looked at my mom through the glass. Her brown hair was up in a ponytail. She looked fairly clean. Her face was starting to wrinkle because of age. "You guys mind sitting out?" I asked turning around to Michelle and Jacob. They both gave me soft smiles and walked out whispering to each other. I looked back at my mom. She picked up the little telephone and smiled and I did the same, well I didn't smile.

"Katherine, my sweet Katherine. I've missed you so much baby." Her voice cooed through the phone."Hi. Listen I need to talk to you. It's about dad." I said trying to keep calm and not rage at my mom into the phone. "Sweetie your dad isn't important right now. Tell me about you. How's Ms. Penterly?" She rambled through the phone. Ms. Penterly was my teacher in 1st grade. She was like my second mom. She actually took care of me. I became frustrated. "Dad is important right now! He's gone." I whispered the last part. My moms smile slowly disappeared. "What do you mean 'gone'?" Mom asked. I took in a deep breath. "Do you know Kaleb Reep?" I said, my voice cracking in between. "Yeah, he was like my best bud. 'Till he snuck out that is. He never told me what he was in for. All I know is that it was something huge." My mom chuckled. She knew him. No, she knows him. Dads possible kidnapper and my possible murderer.

"Bye mom. You were no help and I have to go do something." I said quickly. Before she could replied I put the phone back and ran out of the room. I ran into the lobby and slammed the entrance door open and ran out into the dark parking lot. "Katherine! WAIT!" I heard Michelle yell. "KATHERINE!" Jacob screamed. I turned to face them, but instead I was greeted by two headlights then darkness.


"Tell me what happend." "She was hit by a car." "The car kept going." "She's slipping into a coma." "Katherine! You need to wake up." "Katherine, if you can hear me move your hand." A man ordered.

I tried lifting my hand but it feels like a thousand pounds. I moved my fingers with a struggle. "She responded! I need.." I heard the beginning of the mans sentence, but his voice faded away.

Bright flashes of light kept filling my sight. Am I dead? I will not let myself die without knowing my dad is okay. I tried and force my eyes open but my eyelids felt so heavy. "She's waking up." I heard someone say. Yes, I can hear! Okay, come on. I forced my eyes to open slightly. The bright lights burned my eyes causing me to close them again. I opened them fully and let them adjust to the lights. Blurry images ran across my view. "She's awake! We need the doctor!" I heard a nurse, I'm guessing, yell. Figures started to bunch up on top of me. They shined lights in my eyes, and injected needles and i.v.s into my arms. I looked at what I was wearing. A hospital gown was loosely placed on me. My jeans. The note is in my jeans. NO ONE CAN FIND THE NOTE. I struggled against the doctors and nurses. "Urggghh LET ME GO!" I yelled. I pushed the doctor off of me and stood up from the bed. I had a head rush and tripped over my own feet, falling to the floor.

I felt a stinging pain run down my forearm. I screamed in agony. An i.v. ripped through my skin. A long, gushing line of blood followed my entire forearm. Doctors rushed to my side.

"Katherine calm down!" One doctor said. "NO!" I yelled slapping the doctor with my good arm. I stood back up and ran out of the room. I looked behind me to see if anyone's following. Doctors and nurses followed my trail of blood into the crowded lobby. "JACOB! MICHELLE!" I yelled frantically, looking around the lobby. People giving me looks of shock, called doctors to rush over. Michelle came running to my side. "Katherine what the hell are you doing!? Your arm!" She yelled. "The note." I choked out. I fell to the ground, blackness slowly starting to take over me. "It's safe. Katherine? Katherine?!" Michelle yelled. That was the last thing I heard untill I was separated from life.


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