Chapter 10: The Woods

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I stopped chasing after the sound of screams when I couldn't hear them any longer. Michelle, Jacob, and I stood panting in the middle of a giant bald spot in the woods. Giant pines surrounded the circle that was made of dead grass, leaves, and twigs.

I looked down at my clothes and body. I already had small cuts and bruises. My navy blue t shirt was ruined with a hole and green blotches and my jean shorts were muddy.

Michelle and Jacob weren't so clean either. Michelle's perfectly pulled back ponytail was now loose revealing her natural straight hair. Her pink high waisted shorts had spots of green from grass and leaves. Her loose white tanktop was just as dirty as her shorts. Jacob's usually neat hair was a mess and continued to fall on his face. His black v-neck t shirt had a hole in it and his blue jeans had mud along the bottom. His new sneakers were now ruined which obviously annoyed him.

"Katherine? What the hell?! We're lost, tired, and in the middle of the goddamn woods!" Michelle yelled at me. Her bright blue eyes turned dark with anger. "Look, I'm sorry! The screams they just- they triggered something. I don't know. I'm such an idiot." I explained placing my hand on my forehead and looking down.

A sudden burst of anger emerged from inside me. "But this isn't even my fault. You're the one that told Jacob to pull over. We were in the middle of the damn highway, Michelle, so don't go blaming this on me." I snapped at her. "I'm trying to be a good friend to you, Katherine." She looked down at her hands and you could tell her eyes were watery. I looked at her with an apologetic look, immediately regretting what I said.

This is my fault.

Michelle let out a loud sigh and took out her phone from her pocket. "No service. Of course. This is just like in those stupid movies. Three friends get lost in the woods with a crazy person looking for them and the first thing they do is check for bars on their stupid phones. Ugh!" Michelle rambled on.

I looked up at Jacob who was worriedly looking around him. "Jake? You okay?" I asked putting my hand in his shoulder. "I hear it. The screams. Listen." Jacob whispered. Jacobs not very fond of screams. They make him feel weird. It's an unusual phobia.

I stared out into the woods as I tried to listen attentively. All I heard was Michelle rambling on about stupid scenarios in scary movies. "Michelle. Can you please shut up for 5 minutes?" I snapped at her. Well that came out ruder then I thought. Michelle looked at me with a hurt look then instantly stopped talking.

Faint screams came from the left side of the circle, which is closer to the road... I think.

"Let's go." I said. I began walking towards the sound. Jacob quickly ran to my side, Michelle running to his side. The scream got louder and I sprinted towards the mass of trees. I stopped in my tracks and listened again. I quickly heard the screams again and started running.

In the distance I saw what looked like a house. I stopped and looked behind me to see Michelle and Jacob slowly catching up. "Guys, I think I see a house up ahead!" I yelled out to them. "House? That means... TOILET!" Jacob yelled running passed me. Michelle looked at him weird then back at me. We both laughed softly and ran after him. He's always been the comic relief of the group.

We reached the small house. It had a large space cleared out for it. A small picket fence surrounded the house in a perfect square. A stone walkway leading to the front was traced with bright flowers. "What the.." Jacob started. We all stood side by side gazing at the home in front of us. "A 'perfect American home' in the middle of the woods." Michelle explained, emphasizing her words. "I think we should head back," Jacob explained, "it's getting dark." We all looked up at the sunsetting sky. "Fine. Lets head back. But we WILL come back here." I said giving in. Michelle and Jacob rolled their eyes. With that we headed back towards the road.


3 days later


Mr. Henson scribbled on the board and explained his lesson in a monotonous voice. I looked around the classroom. The whole class looked dead. Everyone was falling asleep or dieing of bordem. A loud beep came through the intercom. "Attention students and teachers. I would like to please request a moment of silence for sophomore, Kaylie Goicoechea, who tragically passed this weekend." The principal explained. Gasps and sobs escaped through students mouths. Kaylie was a cheerleader. I knew she was flyer. Her and Jacob were pretty close. I would see her whenever I went to one of his football games.

I looked over at Jacob and saw his eyes begin to water. He crossed his arms on his desk and rested his head on them. I looked beside me to Gavin who had a blank expression on his face. He looked over at me. "Did you know her?" He whispered to me. "A little. Jacob and her were close though." I explained through quiet sobs. He slowly nodded his head and looked back at the teacher. "Okay class. Lets continue." Mr. Henson commanded through his obvious tears. Kaylie was his niece, I think.

My phone silently vibrated in my pocket. I sat up straight at the sudden movement and quickly slid my phone out of my pocket. I hid it underneath my desk and unlocked it. I looked at the new notification.

1 new text. Unknown number.

"One step closer...

- Kaleb"

I quickly locked my phone and slid it back in my pocket. I frantically looked around the class. I felt Michelle tap my shoulder. I turned and faced her. "You okay?" She whispered. I nodded and look back at Mr. Henson.


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