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  • Dedicated to To the Readers that stay with me(:


All rights are reserved by the author,

Federal copyright law provides that copyright protection subsists in original works of authorship.This means that a copyright protects the expression of an idea. Any expression or work of authorship is automatically and instantly protected once it is fixed in any tangible medium, such as on paper, video, audio, disk, tape, computer memory, etc. Examples of protectable works include books, advertisements, movies, games, educational materials, computer software, and even stuffed animals and dolls.

This book is still in the process of getting edited by the author so leaving any vulgar, obscene, or spoiler comments are inadmissible and can result to the author, KittyKattt_ to report said person to wattpad which can lead to a suspension of account or account elimination.

This all means that copying or translating this story in any way and on any website is not allowed. Anyone who violates any of these exclusive rights has infringed the copyright which can lead to punishment by law. Not only is it punishable by law, but as stated above failing to abide by these rights and requests can possibly lead to a suspension of account or account elimination.

This story is fiction which means that it is not real. If you have heard of any of the places, names, or schools in this story it is simply a coincidence. Nothing in this book is meant to hurt or offend anyone in anyway. If at some point the reader is offended the author is not liable. Since this story was finished in the year of 2014 if anyone were to come across a story that is identical to this one it is requested to contact the author and report them immediately. This story is the second installment of The Undercover Saga which was completely created by the author, KittyKattt_ so all the rights and guidelines stated above will apply to every book on the saga as well.


© 2014 KittyKattt_

(TUS) The Undercover Saga Order:

1.) I'm a Model that's undercover as a Nerd
2.) I'm A Secret Agent Undercover In High School
3.) I'm A Girl Undercover In An All Boys School
4.) Getting Caught Undercover

But anyways,




Going to Highschool as a Secret Agent would be me, Riley Scotts. I've never been to HighSchool before but I won't be in there for long. I'm going in to find a few drug dealers and that's all.

Atleast thats what Riley thought. Riley is ordered by her step-father, Cole to go to high school to find a group of drug dealers, but Riley would much rather stay home then go across the states. But something Riley wasn't expecting was to find Love on this trip. Follow Riley on her adventure in I'm A Secret Agent Going Undercover in High School.

Book 2 of the Undercover series- Spin Off to 'Im a Model thats Undercover as the Schools Nerd' <<You don't have to read the Story, 'Im a Model thatsUndercover the School Nerd'

A/N: Hope you all Enjoyy, GO CHECK OUT THE COVER< PICTURE ON THE SIDE!! I always edit my stories when they are completely finished. For New readers I will let you know the drill,





I'm a Secret Agent Undercover in High schoolWhere stories live. Discover now