Chapter One

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**Edited once. Last edit: December 10, 2014* (by: @xx_wanting_xx ) **

A/N: Ello loves! Before you start reading you should know that I haven't read Tfios and I haven't watched the movies so there are NOT any references to that book/movie. Also just a reminder I won't edit this till the fourth book is finished. Something else you all should know, I've NEVER seen or heard of 21 Jump Street so when you guys say my plot line sounds familiar its honestly just a coincidence. Seriously though I first heard about it when people started comparing it to that. ALSO if you think an 8 year old or a 13 year old can't get kidnapped you are completely wrong. It is definitely possible, especially in the world we live in today. But Anyways,

Enjoyyy . . .

~Riley's POV ~

I watched from the van as a guy brought in a young girl. She seemed like twelve, but maybe a little younger, or older. She was crying which made my face turn into disgust as the guy dragged her in on the floor.

"Thank you, Steve. You ready for a good time?" A guy that looked to be in his early fifties sneered to the girl as he tied her up to a chair.

"Please let me go." The girl sobbed.

"Shut up." The man yelled as he slapped her across the face leaving a red mark.

"Robert, she also has a sister I locked her in the bathroom." The guy name Steve said.

"Perfect. I will have fun with her later." Robert said as he smirked at the little girl, Steve nodded and stood next to a grey pole on the other side of the room.

"No don't hurt my sister. She is only 8." The girl yelled causing her to get another slap from the man, Robert. The poor girl would probably have bruises after this.

"That's enough." I said as I jumped down from the van. I was furious at the fact that he treated a girl especially of this age like this.

"Who are you?" Robert sneered at me. I ignored his question and pulled out a gun pointing at him.

"Step away from the girl." I ordered. He quickly held up his own gun and pointed it at the little girl who was still sobbing.

"Take another step and she's dead." He said causing the girl to shake in fear. I put up my hands in surrender worried for the poor girls life.

"Now put your gun down." Robert demanded and I nodded setting my gun in front of me. I smirked as he started walking towards me still with the gun raised, but now at me.

"Who knew someone could be so dumb." I said shaking my head as I pulled out my hand gun from the back pocket of my shorts pointing it at him. This time he held up his hands.

"Put your weapon down." I demanded and he quickly pulled the trigger. I laughed as nothing came out of the gun.

"There is something called a safety button, dumb ass." I said shaking my head. I quickly did a high kick, kicking him in the head as he tried to figure out his gun. He groaned as he landed on the floor, the gun sliding the opposite way as it left his hand. I quickly took out my hand cuffs and clicked them on his wrists as he laid on his stomach groaning. The other guy, Steve tried running out of the room but Joey, another agent stopped him and kicked him a few times eventually knocking him out. Then he handcuffed him. I laughed as Joey wiped off fake dust on his shoulder giving me a cheeky grin.

"I always wonder why you got this job." I said rolling my eyes. "Go get her sister out of the bathroom." I said walking towards the girl in the chair.

I'm a Secret Agent Undercover in High schoolWhere stories live. Discover now