5: Micah

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Adams POV

In the morning...

"Hey beautiful." I whispered to Nixie as she sat up and stirred. "I don't know how you people do it. Sleep in legs. It's the most uncomfortable feeling ever!" She plopped right back down, pouting with her arms crossed.

"Well hello to you too." I said sarcastically, getting up to head to the basement. "Oh, where ya goin'?" Nixie got up to follow me. "The basement."

I grabbed Nixie's hand and led her down to the lab.

"Wow." Was all she could say. I could tell that something was on her mind, but I didn't want to push it. Mr. Davenport was already down there working on Nixie's capsule. It was bigger than the others and much more wide.

"Nixie, I want you to lay in here, so I can fill it with water." Mr. Davenport gestured Nixie to the capsule. Nix went inside and layed down.

Nixie's POV

I laid down as I was instructed inside the capsule. Mr. D closed the capsule door and pressed a button, causing water to fill the capsule. I transformed and swam around a bit.

Tell Mr. Davenport that this is amazing! I spoke to Adam. He seemed freaked but told him anyways. I noticed the same thing on that teacher as Mr. Davenport.

Adam, ask Mr. Davenport what that silver thingy on his neck is.

When I saw Adams mouth moving, Davenport smacked him and kicked him to the ground. I pounded on the glass, mouthing 'ADAM!'

Davenport tapped his silver thingy, and he changed form, into a taller, more muscular man. He had black hair and beady eyes. His beard was a good 5 inches.

He detached the tube from the capsule, and added a device onto the capsule.

He picked me up no problem.

He started walking upstairs, with me banging on the door, trying to get free.

I saw Bree, Leo and Chase sitting on the couch.

When they saw me they tried to get me free but the dude holding me was too strong. I looked at all of them, connecting to them so I can talk to them through my mind.

Can you guys hear me? I asked. Leo faintly nodded, a little freaked out, I already connected to Bree in the bathroom, and Chase gave me a small thumbs up.

Good. Adam is in the lab knocked out. Get him and tell him what's happening. I'll talk you through where I'm going. Good luck! I was carried out to a car and was driven to my destination.

"Listen, I know you can communicate through your mind. But I'm going to knock you out when we get there so you can't tell your little Lab Rats where you are. Once I get good pictures of you and sell them to a zoo or something, I'm going to be rich for finding a real mermaid." The guy, who I'm going to call Larry, said parking somewhere.

"Sweet dreams cupcake!" He zapped me and I was out cold.

Bree's POV

I ran to the lab with Chase and Leo on my tail (get it? No, ok.)

Adam was laying on the floor, a big bruise on his face.

"Adam. Get up." I shook him slightly and he jumped up.

"Where is he?" He growled. I've never seen him so mad. "He took Nixie." He ran out of the lab and ran to the living room collapsing on the couch.

"Adam, it's OK. I can track her. All I need is DNA." Chase replied.

Adam ran and grabbed something and ran back down. "Here's her hair tie."

"Why do you have her hair tie?" Leo asked. "Well, we were watching a movie and then she started crying and then I kissed her and asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes and we fell asleep during the second movie and she was asleep on my chest and she put her hair tie on the counter before coming down here." Adam explained all in one big breath.

I shrugged and watched as Chase did his nerdy thing with his eye.

"Got it. Let's go!" Me, Adam and Chase ran into our capsules and got into our mission suits.

"Let's go save Nixie! Again!" Chase cheered and ran out. He ran back in. "Bree, I'll send you the coordinates and you can superspeed us." I nodded.


I realised where we were. At a science place. "Go ahead Chase. Do your nerdy thing." Adam ushered Chase to track Nixie.

"She's in the basement." He said and we ran into the basement.

Nixie's POV

I woke up in a.... Basement?

I realised that there was a picture of a mermaid. But I didn't know who it was, but I've seen her before. She had long brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her tail was orange and purple. She was smiling. I started to tear up. It's OK to cry, Adam told me.

I started feeling light headed. Larry walked in. "Well well well, look who's awake." He walked closer to me.

I looked at the picture and at him.

"That woman in the picture was Lana. She was amazing. I loved her so much. She always told me, 'we'll be together forever, Micah.' So she started getting legs and adjusting to land. She gave birth and raised her daughter the sea ways. I told her that she should teach her the land ways. We got into an argument and I ended up killing her." Micah, I think, shook his head. "She was your mother. Nixie, I'm your father."

My eyes widened and my heart raced. No, no, you are not my father. The closest thing I have to a father is Mr. Davenport. You killed my mother. What is wrong with you? I hate you. You should die just like my mother!

I yelled at him in his mind. "Silly Nixie. Just like your mother. So naive. I'm going to kill you, because you caused me to kill Lana."

I looked around for something to break me out of here when I saw it. My mothers moon ring was sitting in the counter next to me.

Micah pulled out a zappy thing and pointed it to me. "I am going to electrocute you. Water is the perfect thing to kill you in." He smirked, watching the purple lightning things go.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Adam, Bree and Chase appeared. I smiled as I saw Adam smiling at me. I smiled back.

"You know, Adam, is it? Yeah, uh, mermaids can't hold their breath forever. Only for a few hours. I estimate Nixie has about, oh, 3 minutes to live?" Micah shrugged as if his daughter dying isn't that big of a deal.

"No, Nixie will live. I will destroy you. She will be safe. I want to hold her again, and kiss her and snuggle with her and eat cotton candy with her. She's my best friend and my girlfriend. I love her." Adam started tearing up.

I love you too, Adam. It's OK to cry. I smiled and he smiled. "How sentimental. Now it'll make all of this so much more enjoyable." Mike said walking to me.

"You know, you and Perry would make an excellent pair." Bree commented, running around Mike super fast. Like, blur fast. Chase put his hand out, making the tazer levitate. And Adam smashed my capsule with ease. I looked it him with wide eyes.

They all rushed to me. I noticed that Mike was trying to get away while we were distracted, but I made the water surround him and freeze him in a water container.

I dried my tail and stood up. Adam engulfed me in a hug but I didn't hug back. I was to upset and sad.

He let go and looked at me funny. I grabbed the moon ring and the picture. "Mom..." I whispered.

We All Have Secrets: A Bionic/Mermaid love storyWhere stories live. Discover now