Uncle Medic Goes Beast-Mode.

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Brit was running with the red intelligence in her bloody hands. She had been hit by many bullets, but none had hit her head, thankfully. Sniper ran from behind her, yelling encouragements.

"Keep goin', Brit! Don't stop, just keep runnin'!"

Brit ran faster, but hurt her feet with each step, because she had taken off her shoes to get more speed. As she ran, she tumbled over broken objects and even weapons. She picked up the Red Scout's bat, and threw it at the Red Denoman, who was shooting at her. Red Denoman fell over, and hit shot hit behind Brit, and exploded, along with half of the Red Team. Brit laughed surprisedly, and ran faster, watching Sniper catch up with her.

"Good shot, Brit!"


Brit tossed the intelligence to Sniper, who caught it and ran into the base. Brit tried to catch up but Red Denoman grabbed her by the shirt collar.

"This war is fer men! Not lil' lasses ruinnin' aboot!"

"Well...that's changed!" Brit swung her arm, and landed a punch on Red Deoman's nose, and wriggled safely.

"C'mon, sis! Run towards me!" Scout held out his arms, and Brit ran to him.

"Scout! Oh, thank God. I didn't see you anywhere!"

"Well, I was right behind you." Said a familiar voice.

Brit looked up, and saw Red Spy.


Red Spy grabbed Brit, and ran towards his base.


Brit kicked Red Spy's legs to throw him off balance, but ever time she did, she would hurt her own leg. She didn't give up, though. She fought and fought.

What are they taking me for?!

"Lasst sie los!"

Brit smiled with relief, and Red Spy was taken aback.

"I don't speak Ger--" was all Red Spy said, because Medic hit him in the temple with a hammer he had found on the ground.

Brit was free, and she looked at her arm.

The Red Spy left his hand print on her arm. She scowled, and watched Medic handle the fight for her. Medic kept swinging the hammer, hitting Red Spy many times after he fell over. The cigarette in Red Spy's was stomped on after the Medic was done with his hissyfit. Medic fixed his glasses and looked at Red Spy.

"Zhat's vhat you get for messing vith Medic!"

"Uncle Medic!"

"Yes, it's me, Brittany. Are you hurt?"


"Nah, just a bit scraped."

"Don't lie to me, I am a doctor. I can tell vhen you're lying."

"Then why'd ya ask?"

"I didn't think you vould lie."

"Sorry, Uncle Medic."

"It izt alvight."

A white dove flew to Brit, and landed on her bloody arm.

"Archimedes! Stop pecking Brit!"

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