You Have To Play The Role.

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Red Spy made sure his figure was the same as the Blu Medic. He smirked and praised his own work. He had gotten better at cloaking.

"Uncle Medic!"

The kid jumped up and hugged Red Spy, startling him.

"Oh! Um..."

"My name is Brittany...can't you remember?"

"Yes, yes, I remember, dear. I vas just...thinking."

"About that Red Spy?"


Red Spy played his part and picked up Brittany. He smiled. She was a sweet girl, like her mother. She had the face of her mother, but the hands of her brother. Her brother was an obnoxious, self-centered, brat who thinks he is the best thing since toilet paper.

Brittany yawned and put her head on Red Spy's shoulder. Red Spy smiled again, and shook his head.

Do your job, Spy, do your job.

"Brittany, don't go to sleep yet. Stay up so you can say good night for the rest of the group."

"We're already here." Blu Spy said from behind Red Spy. "What happened to your accent?"

"Oh! I vas..." Red Spy cleared his throat. "I'm trying to sound more American."

"Why?" Blu Spy lifted an eyebrow.

"I am juzt trying to."

Brittany fell asleep in Red Spy's arms, and Red Spy thought for a second.

"Vhere's Scout? Tell him his sister izt asleep."

"Yo, right here!" Scout ran over and took Brittany from Red Spy.

As soon at they were alone, Blu Spy pinned Red Spy to the wall.

"Look, I know who you are. But, for the sake of zhat child, I am not telling them. When Medic comes out of zhat funk you've put him in, you leave. Got it?"

Red Spy scoffed.

"What do you mean, 'for the sake of the zhat child'? Don't tell me you actually care--oh, my god, you actually care for her, don't you?!"

"Damn right, I do. And I can't help that you do too. Don't even lie to me, we are basically the same. You will be zee best Uncle Medic or I will tear off your head! Got it?"


"Got it?!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I got it."

Blu Spy let go of Red Spy and walked away. Red Spy brushed himself off.

I'm going to be zee best goddamn Uncle Medic ever...

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