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"Uncle Medic!"

"Ah, Brittany! I vas vondering vhen you vould show up!"

Scout walked behind Brittany, and smirked.

"Alright, let me cut the crap. I need ya to babysit. Me and Sniper are takin' off to help the team ambush the Red Base, and I need a babysitter."

"Scout, I would be more zhan happy to babyzit, zhere's problem...I'm supposed to be in the ambush!"

"Yeah, but remember our deal?"

Medic started to realize.

"Gott verdammt!"

"Ay, Ay, Ay!" Scout covered Brit's ears, and scowled. "I may not speak German, but I can tell when someone swears!"

"You svear all the time."

"Yeah, but I'm not sayin' them in front of my sistah!"

"Go back a few chapters." Medic said.

" her!" Scout started to run but turned. "Oh, and if you do anything dangerous, you're dead! Love ya, sis."

Brit waved, and sat down, reading. Medic smiled, and ruffled Brit's hair.

"I have to check on something, so stay here, ok?"

"Ok, Uncle Medic."

Medic walked to the next room, and checked on his charger. It had been messing up a bit for a while, and he thought now that he had some free time, he would be able to fix it. He took out a hammer, and started working. He opened the charger and started rearranging wires. That's when he heard a noise.

"Brittany? Are you alvight in zhere?"

"Yeah, I'm ok!"

"Do you hear zhat noise?"

"No...I don't."

Medic watched Brittany stand and flip a knife in her hand. She held the blade about 10 inches away from her face, and looked at Medic.

"I'll go check."

"No, no, no. Stay here. I vill investigate." Medic smiled, and walked around. He looked around the corners, and gave up after he didn't see anything. Suddenly, he was thrown back, and he hit the wall.

"Uncle Medic?!"

"No! Bleib wegr!"

"Uncle Medic, I'm coming!"

Medic looked at his attacker. The Red Spy.

"Vhat are you doing here?!" Medic swung around and almost cut Red Spy's head clean off. "You've cause enough trvouble!"

"Zhat ees an understatement." Red Spy smirked, and jabbed at Medic with his knife.

"Uncle Medic!" Brittany threw the knife, and Medic ducked in time. Red Spy didn't, and was hit in the shoulder.

"Je suis blessé!"

"No one cares!" Brittany threw her book at Red Spy, and dropped kicked him into the wall.

"Brittany, I told you to ztay back! Go, now! I vill take care of zhese!"


"Don't question me, juzt go! Now!"

Brit turned, and ran, trying to find a weapon she could toss to Medic.

"She's got a lot of spunk! Zhese ees the kid I want in my life!" Red Spy smiled, and slashed a cut against Medic's face.

Medic kicked Red Spy back, and tried to find the knife Brit had used. Red Spy stabbed Medic in the back, and Medic toppled over, falling onto his face.

"I'll be taking over for a while." Red Spy stepped on Medic, took his glasses, and walked away, changing his figure to look like the Medic. He would work on the body later.

He had work to do.

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