Author's Note

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Hey, guys!  I just want to tell you that I would appreciate and strongly encourage any of you to correct any grammar mistakes that you can find and give me some ideas for futures books.  I love each and every one of you that took a chance on this book.  I hope you find it very fun to read.  I LOVE YOU!!!

I just a few rules before I start writing and before you start reading.  

1. DO NOT criticize any one of the characters.  They are fake.  

2. Eliana doesn't always make the best decisions, but DO NOT call her stupid.  She is like a sister to me.  Not really, but yeah.

3. If you see someone has already commented about something, don't comment the same thing.  That is really repetitive.

4. I will read every one of your comments so don't be rude to me or the book.

5. Ummm... You don't have to read this book you are choosing to, so don't be dumb and say, "I don't even know why I am reading this."

6. Okay!  I think, that is it!  Thank you so much and enjoy.

Oh!  If you follow me I will follow you :)



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