Chapter 12

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Eliana's POV

I took Josiah's advice.  Of course, it was the second time I heard it today.  I went over to Liz's house and I noticed that they weren't the only ones there.  I went up and knocked on the door.

"Eliana... What do you want?"  Liz asked not looking me in the eyes.  

"You were right.  I do run away from my problems, and I'm really sorry."

"Umm... I accept your apology.  Do you want to come in and talk?"  She asked holding the door open for me. 


"Be warned, Kate's here."  

"Why don't we just go to my house?"  I asked with pleading eyes.  

"Yeah, okay.  Just come in for two minutes so I can grab my things."  


I walked in and saw Evan sitting there on the couch with Kate.  She looked gorgeous like always.  It wasn't even fair.  She had beautiful blonde hair and really pretty blue eyes.  They were sitting there watching a movie, and Kate looked up.  She didn't say anything to me, though.  Evan just sat there.  

"Evan, Eliana's here,"  Kate leaned in and whispered to him.  He looked up and smiled at me.  

I smiled back and waved.  HE might have smiled, but he looked really mad.  

"Are you ready?"  Liz asked. 


"Tell Cory I said hi,"  Kate said as we walked out.  That kinda struck a cord deep down inside.  

I walked over with Liz's soda and dumped it all over her.  "Now, I suggest that you keep my brother's name out of that pretty mouth of yours or else it won't be so pretty anymore."

Liz laughed and Evan got pissed.   "Really, Eliana?  Now I'm all sticky!"  

"Whoops..."  I said as I walked away, but really I wasn't too sorry about it.  

"Let's go,"  Liz said pulling me out the door.  "I should be mad that you used my drink, but that was so worth it."

"I know right.  I couldn't help it.  She already knew how much I loathed her, but she just had to say it anyway.  Sooner or later I'm going to punch her so her face won't be pretty enough for any guy to like her.  

"I know you will.  Anyway... How's  Cory?"  Liz asked looking at the ground.

"Why?  You just saw him yesterday.  You should know."

"I can tell something happened.  What is it?"  She asked me looking at me this time.  

"Caitlynn and Cory broke up,"  I said walking up to our house.

"What?  Why?"  

"I don't really know.  He just got home.  He was here when I left."


We walked in and no one was home.  Great!  Josiah and Cory out for adventures.  

"Umm... Eliana... Where's Josiah and Cory?"  

"No clue.  Wanna watch a movie?"  I asked her.

"Yes!  Let's watch Sinister 2!"  She yelled with so much excitement I couldn't say no.


I walked into the kitchen to pop some popcorn and found a not from Josiah.  

"Liz, they left a note!"  I yelled and she ran in.  

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