Chapter 26

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James' POV

"James, can I ask you something?"  Eliana asked while we were sitting in the living room.  Alex was sitting in a chair and we were sitting on the couch. 


"Why?"  Was all she said. 

"What?  I don't know what you mean."

"Why did you decided to cheat on me again?"  She asked.  

"How?  When?" Was all I could get out.  I wanted to know who told her.  "I was drunk and I didn't mean to."

"I don't care.  How would you feel if I went and fucked Alex?"  She asked.  That stung a little. 

"I'd be pissed."

"Okay... So, you can fuck my best friend, but if fucked your best friend it's not okay."

"It wasn't okay for me to do it.  I'm sorry."

"Stop with the sorry!  Get out of my house!  When you actually mean it then you can come home, but until then... The wedding is off."

"Eliana, please!"


I left without saying another word.  I knew who told her and I was pissed at him for it.  I knew she deserved to know, but it was a drunken mistake. It would never happen when I was sober, and she knew that.  I didn't cheat on her the whole time I was away.  

Eliana's POV

I wasn't even going to cry.  I was too pissed to do that.  Crying would be weak.  Instead, I decided to sleep with Alex.  I knew what I was doing, but I couldn't stop.  I walked over to him and sat on his lap. 

"What are you doing?"  Alex asked pointing to my body on his. 

"I'm just seeing what it feels like to do this." I kissed him.  My whole body tingled and I felt like I was floating. 

"Eliana, no!  You don't really want to do this,"  he said pushing me away. 

"Yes, I really do.  Ever since you got here. I know I'm a horrible girlfriend, but just one time will you take advantage of me?"  I asked laying my head on his shoulder.

"Are you sure?"  He asked looking me in the eyes.


He picked me up and carried me to the couch.  I was so ready for this.  I had wanted him since he had arrived, so why did James keep coming to mind?  Because you love James, you lust after Alex. Shut up inner self.  You know I'm right. "Stop!"  I yelled and Alex jumped up. "I'm sorry.  I thought I wanted this, but I can't do it.  I love James.  I have to go find him."

"I knew you did.  Go get him!" 

I ran out the door and started walking down the street.  He was too far before I caught up with him.  I ran up to him and stood in his way. "Move."


"Eliana?"  He asked looking up.

"Yes.  James, I love you.  I don't want to trust you again because you've already hurt me so many times, but I love you.  I want this wedding.  I want our future.  I want you,"  I said hugging him. 

"I'm so sorry.  I mean it.  It was a drunk night and she was sad about Alex.  The only reason I know it happened was because I woke with her.  I couldn't remember the whole night before that."

"Okay... But I swear James if you ever do it again you will never EVER see me or Julianna again!"

"Okay... I promise on my life that it will never happen again."

**Wedding Day**

James' POV

I was standing there waiting for the love my life to walk to that aisle.  It felt like an eternity before it finally happened, but when it did she looked beautiful.  I was so happy to see her smiling face walking down the aisle with Cory.  

We did the whole ceremony and I finally got to kiss her.  I have waited for this moment for so long.  After our kiss, she whispered in my ear, "We may have had a lot of mistakes, but I'm so glad we came out of this with a miracle together."

"I couldn't have said it better myself," I said kissing her again.  

I was so happy that I could spend the rest of my life with her and Julianna.  This was what every guy dreams of, but doesn't know it. 


"Julianna, do not hit your brother with that!"  I heard Eliana yell. 

"But mom, he is being an asshole!"  Julianna yelled.  Julianna was now four years old.  Drake was three.  

Julianna!  Do not say that word!"  Eliana yelled again. 

I decided I should probably get up since she was having some trouble.  "Who's saying bad words out here?"  I asked walking out of the room.

"No me,"  Julianna said giving me the puppy dog eyes. 

"Okay... Muchkin.  Bedtime."

"But dad... I'm not tired."

"Yes, you are... Night night."

I walked her up to her bed and laid her down.  I turned on her night light and kissed her forehead. After that, I walked downstairs to help Eliana with Drake. When we finally got him laid down, we went to bed. 

"Eliana, you are such a good mom."

"Yeah... I know."

"I love you."

"I love you so much."

I was so happy to spend my life with her.  She was really special.  We may have made many mistakes and it's a miracle that we made it out, but I'm glad I made it out with her. 

Okay guys... This is it!  It's all over.  I hope you liked.  Thank you soo much for reading!  

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