Chapter 20 (Picture of Eliana's outfit)

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Josiah's POV

I decided to go to a hotel tonight instead of Cory's house.  I knew if I was to go back to Cory's he would ask me questions about why I wasn't staying at Vanessa's.  It wasn't my place to tell people about what happened.  That was all up to Eliana. 

Me:  She told me everything. 

Eli:  Vanessa?  How did you get her to do that?

Me:  I told her you died and she said she didn't mean to kill you.

Eli: Wow!  So, you decided to use the excuse me dying?

Me:  Eli, that was the only way to get the truth. 

Eli: Or... you could have just trusted me the first time.

Me: I'm sorry. 

She didn't text me back after that.  I understood that she was angry with me, but I didn't know.  I just hope she told James because he deserved to know. 

Jame's POV

Work let me out early, so I decided to go and visit Eliana.  I knew she would be surprised to see me.  I was surprised they let me out early. 

I drove over to her house and saw that she was home and still up.  The lights were on so I assumed.  I walked up and knocked before entering because I didn't want to barge in on her personal space.  No matter how long we have been dating. 

"Josiah, if I don't text back-"  She stopped when she saw it was me.  "James?"

I saw her face as soon as she opened the door.  It was all black and blue.  Her eye was puffy and purplish.  "What?  Who did this to you?"  I asked trying to stay calm. 

"James, please don't freak out,"  she whispered putting her head down. 

"No!"  So much for staying calm.  I saw her flinch, but I was already too mad to care.  "I'm so tired of you not telling me things.  I deserve to know things.  We have been dating for two weeks.  I understand if you don't think that is a long time, but you also know that we have known each other our whole life.  If you can't tell me something as you boyfriend then tell me as your friend,"  I said lifting her face to look at me. 

"You're right.  Vanessa.  She was mad because she thought I still loved Josiah, which I don't, and she decided to try to hurt me.  I'm perfectly fine,"  she said walking back to the couch. 

"Why didn't you tell me?"  I asked.  She didn't look at me, and I could tell there was something else wrong.  I stood there waiting for her to answer me.  I wasn't leaving until she told me. 

"There's something else,"  she finally said after about ten minutes. 


"Promise you won't yell?"  She asked looking up at me now.


She took a deep breath and said, "Josiah and I kissed." 

They kissed!  I had to walk outside to calm down so I could keep my promise. That was a dumb promise.  I walked back in about twenty minutes later.  I felt I was calm enough to talk to her about this.  She was about to say something, but I raised my hand up to stop her. 

"Am I supposed to be okay with this?"  I asked not really knowing what to feel.  

"James I'm sorry."

"Stop.  I love you too much for you to say sorry."


"Love is when you don't have to keep saying sorry.  I know you're sorry,"  I said looking over at her.  I was starting so sound like a poet.  That was going to get annoying.

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