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The task force was loading the falcon up for the journey to Figiku. Poe sat in the pilots seat typing the coordinates into the navigation system. He was too busy focusing on that he didn't hear Finn enter the cockpit. He sat in the seat next to Poe and started working on some other things on the computer.

"So are you going to finally tell me what all of this is?" Finn asked.
"The woman on the hologram was my mother. I haven't seen her in almost five years, she was a pilot in the rebellion....a damn good one at that.""

Poe's eyes started to get more focused on telling Finn everything about his family.

"My parents were involved during the battle of endor. They both fought in space trying to take down the second Death Star. It was a success of course or else everything would be different right now....."

Finn looked at the face of a man he has always seen strong finally falling apart. Finn put one of his hands on Poe's, it was warm. He looked at Poe and Poe looked at him.

"My brothers name was Jake, Jake Dameron. We were both raised on Yavin. We would run through the jungles and would climb the massive temples. He's about ten years younger then me but he acts like he's older then me."

Poe laughed a little and smiled. Finn could see Poe was finally comfortable with opening up to Finn about his family. Finn let go of Poe's hand but Poe grabbed it before it could go far.

"About when I was fifteen and he was five our parents had a falling out. Our parents had always gone together really good, but after a few years since the war ended every thing just........snapped. They ended up getting divorced. My dad took me and stayed on Yavin while my mom took Jake and left. I saw my mom again five years ago she came wanting to see me but she didn't have my brother...... I asked her where he was, but she didn't answer."
"I'm sorry Poe, I never thought it was like that."
"It's okay, you don't have to apologize. Besides...." Poe let go of Finns hand and stood up from the pilots seat.
"We're going to get my brother back."

The millennium falcon zipped through hyperspace towards Figiku. Every one was gathered in the hub of the falcon ; chewie and Finn were playing holochess, Poe was teaching Rey how to play pazaak. Rey was pretty good at it.... With a little help from bb8 of course.

"Are you helping her you rolling ball of tin? Traitor!"
"Hey!" Finn shouted from across the hub. "I'm over here!"
"Not you!"
"Boys can we stop this fighting"Rey responded "because I'm" she lays down one card "about" she lays down another card. "To win" she lays down her last card. She won.

Poe started to chase Rey around the ship and soon bb8 joined in, and then finn and chewie joined in! And eventually even r2 joined in! Not 3po though he's a kill joy. But all of that was interrupted by a sound from the cockpit.they all ran to the cockpit and got a seat because they were about to jump out of hyperspace. Bloom. The ship jumped out of hyperspace to see a planet with a purple ocean and orange land masses.

"Lady and gentlemen and droids, I give you Figiku."

Authors note:
I hope you enjoyed this chapter the next chapter will get a little more interesting I promise. Also could you see the relation ship start to develop a little bit? Hopefully you did! But anyways thanks guys I will see you all later!

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