Chapter 4- Meetings

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Hayley's POV

Kim and I made it back to her house just in time. The rest of her pack which I didn't really know was already there, we ran up to her room and quickly changed into something else and went downstairs.

"And who is this lovely lady?" I'm guessing her Grandpa asked me. Kim hasn't had a pack meeting for a while and this is the first time that I've been here with her whole family.

Kim and I grabbed a seat beside her brother and his mate Zoe.

"Everyone, this is my mate Hayley and I know it's a bit strange since she's a girl and all, but I hope you all learn to except her and make her feel welcome, she's really special to me." Kim said to everyone and then smiled at me.

'Welcome" I heard from numerous people

"Welcome to the pack Hayley I'm assuming this is your pack also? I'm Kim's Grandpa and pack leader, you can call me Ed." Kim's Grandpa Ed said.

"No, we haven't decided on who's pack they are a part of yet, we've had some other things come up, but we will soon don't worry." Kim's dad said.

"What other things have come up? I'm Kim's Aunt, Casandra by the way. Why don't we all go around and tell Hayley who we are? Oh also Zoe." Casandra said.

"I think that's a good idea." Kim's mom said.

Everybody went around the circle there were maybe about 13-15 people in the circle. Everyone seemed really nice.

"Now that that's done, lets get down to buisness." Grandpa Ed said.

"So what has been going on that you needed to call a pack meeting?" Casandra asked again.

"Kim, would you like to share? Because this is partially your problem." Kim's mom said.

I looked at Kim, she looked really nervous I could tell talking infront of people wasn't her thing, and this was her family for christ sakes we'll have to work at that if she's going to Nashville.

"Well... It's Ethan." Kim said.

"That bastard, I hate him so much why couldn't we have just finished him off when we had the chance?" Kim's cousin Robert said.

"I agree, Kimberly and Hayley would be free from him and they could have a perfect nice summer." Kim's aunt Hilary said.

Pretty much almost everyone started arguing about Ethan, I never knew how much people hated him.

"Everyone settle down, let's wait for what Kim has to say then we can make our offside comments." Grandpa Ed said.

Kim waited till everyone was settled and began again.

"As I was saying, It's about Ethan, I've been having these weird romantic dreams about him and I don't know what they mean that's why we've called this meeting." Kim said and looked around.

"Give us an example of one of these dreams." Kim's cousin Dave said.

"Well, my most reason one I'll skip all the boring stuff and what not, I was on stage for what I didn't know and all of a sudden Ethan was purposing to me and I said yes and then before I knew I was engaged to him, I don't like him that way. I'm head over heels for Hayley anybody know what this could be?" Kim asked her family.

I knew that Kim didn't want to tell her family about that stage part and everything, she didn't want them knowing about anything about her possible career and telling the whole story might provoke some of members of her family to spill the beans.

"That's really weird, I think I read somewhere that if your dreaming about someone they're your mate? I'm not one hundred percent sure, but in this case it's obviously wrong because you already have yourself a beauitful mate." Kim's Uncle Ted said.

"Thank you, Kim just told me about this this afternoon and I think it's weird,but I mean maybe she's still scared of him coming here or something I'm not sure. Is there any way a person could make a person dream of these things?" I asked.

"Yes, there is such thing but you have to have practiced it for a long time and its called a were witch half wolf half witch, I'm guessing Ethan is one and is some how sending Kim these dreams." Grandpa Ed said

"Really?! That's so cool, but creepy is there anyway to stop it?" Kim asked.

I've never heard of a were witch before, but they seem pretty neat and also creepy like Kim said.

Kim's POV

Once we were done discussing Ethan being a were witch and everything, everyone left. Grandpa Ed didn't know how to stop it but he is going to do some research.

"Well I think it's time to discuss the possibility of Nashville now that everyone has left, you can stay if you want Zoe." My dad said to her.

"I would, but I'm going out of town tomorrow with some friends so I have to pack" She said and got up to leave, Braden followed her.

"Oh ok, have fun. So what does everyone think about this?" My dad asked.

"I think it'll be a great experience for Kim, I'm all for her going." My mom said.

I loved that my mom was on board with it all, I thought she would say no for sure.

"I agree, and Kim has always wanted to go to Nashville and we have the opportunity so why not go?" Hayley said.

"I think it will be neat and a good experience, why don't we call John back?" I suggested, my dad picked up the phone and dialed the number and handed it to me.

"Hello?" A voice said.

"Hi, um I'm Kimberly Seabat I got a message on my phone saying about a record deal or something?" I said and put it on speaker so everyone could hear, by this time Braden had come back in the room.

"Oh yes! You're the YouTube girl, with the amazing voice. You and your parents will be coming down to Nashville whenever you are free, and you will perform 3 songs, 2 of which ever you like and 1 original. The flights and everything else will be included, we want to make your first time in Nashville the best." John said.

Wow everything is already paid for? That's awesome!

"Okay, here's my dad I'm not sure when we are free exactly." I said and handed the phone to my dad.

"Hello, this is Miles, Kimberly's father." My dad said and went into the other room, my mom followed.

"This is so cool that everything is already paid for, I hope your parents say yes. I'm coming to right?" Hayley asked me.

"Of course you're coming! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have come this far." I said.

Which was one hundred percent true, Hayley had been saying that I should start up a channel and after she nagged me for awhile I finally did it.

"Awe thanks, what original song are you going to perform?" She asked me.

"I have no idea! I guess the one from my dream? But since Ethan is putting it in my dream then doesn't that mean copy right? I mean I haven't heard it at all from anyone..." I said.

"I'm not sure, maybe ask your parents about that one? What is the song like" Hayley asked me.

"I'll sing it later once my parents are off the phone, I don't want John to hear it, I hope they hurry up." I said.

I heard a click and then footsteps coming into the room, I wonder what they decided?

"We have decided that it would be best for you to..."

A/N: Cliffhanger what do u think there decision is? Do u think Kim shud sing the song that was in her dream? This may be the last chapter for awhile.. I'm leaving next week to go work and I'll be gone.

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