Chapter 10- A New Friend

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Hayley's POV

I was reading the book The Fault In Our Stars that my room mate Kieran gave me. I got moved because they decided I shouldn't be left alone and that my condition was getting better. Kieran was really nice and it was nice to talk to someone other then family, if I wasn't with Kim I think I would date him.

"What part are you at?" Kieran asked me.

"Just the part where Augustus and Hazel are on the phone and he said 'Maybe okay will be our always' Its so adorable I'm excited to read the rest of it." I told him and started getting a bit teary eyes they were just so cute ytogether

"Ah that part that's a good part and haha it gets better." He said and laughed.

"What's so funny about it?" I asked

"Oh nothing you'll find out in about 200 pages." He said.

"Thats so far away better keep reading then."

"Okay." Kieran said and smirked a bit.

"Okay" I said and smirked. He was really cute and I wasn't sure if I was flirting with him or not but I sorta hoped I was..

I went back to the book while he went back to reading a magazine about Baseball. He had told me he dreamed about making it big, but he wasn't sure if he could now since he had injured his hand and he has respiratory problems.

I was getting to a good part when I heard footsteps coming towards our room. I looked and saw it was Kim.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you. The people at the desk told me where you were." Kim said and came in and sat down and kissed my check but I pulled away, I really didn't want Kieran knowing I was a lesbian.

"What's wrong? Where did you get the book from?" She asked me.

"Nothing is wrong Kim and my roommate Kieran gave it to me." I said.

She looked over at him and didn't say Hi or anything which I thought was rude.

"So what's up? where's my mom and dad?" I asked.

I really did miss them and wanted a hug from my mom.

"Um well your dad got arrested and your mom went to get some fresh air. The doctor said that it should be fine for us to go to Nashville if you still want to come, but you'd have to be on medication and talk to doctors and everything once we get back." Kim said.

I wanted to go to Nashville I really did, but I also wanted to stay here with Kieran I mean I only got moved here a few hours ago, but I feel like we can be really good friends.

"Oh ok, hopefully she'll come back soon. Yeah I'm still interested in coming to Nashville with you and everything it could be fun." I said and put the book down.

"Sorry to intrude, but did you say Nashville? Thats actually so cool how you'll be going there hopefully. How come if you don't mind me asking" Kieran said.

"Yeah it is and my best friend Kim got a chance to get a record deal-"

"Hayley!" Kim said.

"What? He asked, I'm just answering his question there's no problem with that. If you do go big he could say he met you which would be really cool." I said.

I don't know why she was being so rude..

"Maybe I don't want a stranger to know where I'm going." She said.

"He isn't a stranger to me, I've been talking to him for a few hours while you were off who knows where." I said to her.

"I'm sorry that I've been trying to help you get better and so you can get away from your damn father who raped you!" Kim yelled at me.

"I'm sorry for causing problems.." Kieran said.

"It's fine really it's not a problem at all." I said to him and smiled at him.

"Well I'm not sure what's going on here, but I sure as hell don't want to be apart of it. I'm going home Hayley. I'll call you or something."

"Fine do whatever you want, nothing is going on here and I have no idea what the hell is wrong with you but you obviously need sometime to think or whatever so go ahead and leave it seems like that's all anybody does I'm just so done with it all." I said.

Kim didn't say anything and just walked out of the room. I had no idea what was going on in her head but I hope she figures it out soon.

"Are you okay?" Kieran asked me.

I started thinking of everything and I started crying, Kieran got off his bed and came over to mine and sat down.

"Shh it's going to be okay Hayley, whatever it is everything will be alright." He said and rubbed my back

"It's just that everything going on in my life it's super hard and I'm not sure when everything is going to stop." I said and wiped my eyes.

"I know we've just met and everything, but I'm here if you need anything at all. I won't tell anyone if you decide to tell me. You can trust me." He said.

This felt all so crazy I felt like I could really trust him which was rare. I decided I needed to let everything out to him tell him things that Kim didn't even know.

"Okay.. Well this all started a few years ago, I had a brother named Josh and nobody knew about him but he had cancer and he passed away. Him and I were really close and I told him everything, and since he's been gone it's been hard for me. A few years later my dad, he raped me and if I told anyone I would get killed so I assume he got arrested today which is partially why I'm in here.

This past year, I found out I was well a werewolf and it's all just super crazy that I don't think it's true.. That girl, Kim who was in here well she's my girlfriend and it's been hard with all the bullying and shit so I started self harming myself.. My parents told me I was moving to New York and I didn't want to leave so I ran away to our old house and I just missed Josh so much and I got arrested for breaking and entering. Kim came to bail me out and when I got home my mom was yelling at me and I ran upstairs and I well cut myself.

So now I'm here and Kim is super good at singing so she got called for a possible record deal and like I want to go to Nashville, but at the same time I just want to stay here and just get better but I don't want to hurt Kim.." I said and began crying again.

Kieran was silent for awhile, but then spoke.

" Thats a lot to take in.. I'm really sorry about your brother Hayley and also about your dad and just everything. Thats nice that you're with Kim, I dont have anything agaisnt lesbians or anything, but if we're being totally honest here I sort of have a crush you but I guess I have to back off now. Kieran said to me.

"Thanks, and haha ya you don't want to get on her bad side she's done some pretty nasty things to people.. I know this is going to sound so weird and crazy, but I kinda have a crush on you too even though I'm with Kim.. I kinda wish I could be with you instead of Kim, I trust you which is rare." I said to him and blushed a bit.

"That does sound super crazy.. and I'm flattered. We would make a good couple I think at least." He said and looked me in the eyes, his eyes were a dark blue.

I yawned and wiped my eyes again trying to not smear my make up.


"Yes I am it's been a rough day." I said.

"You should get some sleep, it'll be good for you. I can stay here if you want for a bit" He said.

"Yeah sure, that would be nice." I said.

"Okay." He said and kissed me on the cheek

"Okay." I said and smiled.

I slowly fell asleep with his arm around me which was really comfy, he was really nice and I hope we could be good friends one day.

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