Chapter 1- Family Problems

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Kim's POV

After I finished watching The Lorax I went onto my Youtube channel to see how many views my song had it had 213 views I wasn't the most popular on YouTube but I think I did pretty well considering I had about 150 followers.

I heard a knock on my door. It was 9 at night who would be knocking on my door this late?

"Come in" I said and waited for who ever it was to come in.

In walked my brother Braden, I wonder what he wanted.

"Hey Kim" He said and sat down on my bed

"Hi.. What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be going on a date with your girlfriend?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I am I just wanted to know how you're doing that's all" He said.

"About what? That whole Hayley thing? I'm fine, we've been through a lot worse... Remember a couple months ago? I bet her mom and dad just want some time to spend with their daughter, she's been over here a lot lately. I'm going to text her in a bit, I'm giving her space with her family even though we are in a relationship right now, it's not all about us, it's about our families too, but thanks for checking up on me I'm fine really." I told him.

"Oh ok, yeah you're probably right anyways she's probably busy with them or maybe her phone died? Text me when she replies ok? I better get going now or else I'll be late" He said, then kissed my forehead and headed out of my room.

I loved our relationship, we barely ever fight and I can trust him with pretty much anything, I really hope it never changes.

"Ok I will and also use protection! I'm to young to be an aunty" I said then laughed.

"Shut up Kim! But don't worry we are and you won't be an aunty for a long time. By the way never stop singing Kim, you're so good at it. I hope you get a record deal soon, I would love to hear some of your songs on the radio." Braden said then left.

"Eww! I did not need to know that! Thanks Braden, don't worry I won't" I said I got up to close the door. I could here him laughing down the hallway.

I got back on my bed and decided to text Hayley.

Me: R u alright? You left pretty quickly earlier, I hope nothing's wrong, you can tell me anything remember? Luv ya -Kim

I press sent, hoping I would get a reply quickly. Maybe this would be a good time to drop off her left overs that she didn't had enough time to get.

I go downstairs and grab the leftover pizza that was wrapped in tin foil. My dad and mom were on the couch watching a movie, it looked like Country Strong, I've seen it once and it was alright.

"Where are you going Kim?" My dad asked me.

"I'm just going to drop off Hayley's leftover pizza and see why she left so early, don't worry I won't be out to late I should be back by at least 11, depending what's wrong it could take awhile." I said, then put my flip-flops on since it was summer I didn't need a coat and usually it was nice out.

"Alright that sounds fine, make sure you have your phone though also if her parents want you home earlier then go home, don't try and stay longer alright?" My dad said.

"Ok, I will see you later" I said to them, then left the house.

It was really nice out for late June considering it rained earlier, now it smelt like fresh rain I always loved the smell after it rained, it's like a new beginning with every rain fall.

I got to Hayley's house and rang the doorbell, the curtains were slightly open and I could see the reflection off of the tv. I heard footsteps and then the door open her mom answered, her eyes were puffy from what looked like crying, I hope nothing was seriously wrong.

"Hi Mrs. Figgens, is Hayley home? She was at my place and we were eating dinner and she got a call from you guys and she said it was important, so she left and forgot her pizza I was just dropping it off and wanted to see if she was alright since she isn't answering my text messages, did she get grounded or anything?" I asked him.

"Hi Kim, Hayley isn't home at the moment she went to Alison's house, but you can come in and we can tell you what's going on, she's mad and I'm sure she will tell you eventually, but so you're not wondering if you did anything wrong." Hayleys mom said.

Hayley ditched me for Alison? I wonder what's going on that she had to be so mad to ditch me.

I walked in the house, put the pizza on the counter and sat on the couch. I noticed that the tv was on mute and the game was on if was 28-18 I wasn't sure who was playing though.

"Kim, Hayley's dad and I are getting a divorce and I'm also pregnant and it's his." Her mom said.

What?! Her parents are getting a divorce and her mom was pregnant? Is that even possible?

"Really? Is that even possible? The divorce part I mean, I know you getting pregnant is possible. Congratulations on your new addition, it should be great for your pack." I said to her.

"Thanks Kim, we're happy about that to, and yes it is we'll find new mates eventually, but ,Hayley is very upset about this, her mother and her exchanged some rude remarks and she went to Alison's because she was upset about everything, she's going to tell you eventually I hope she tells you soon, maybe get her to understand that her mother will not hate the baby when it comes, because that's what she thinks." Hayleys dad said.

So that's why she's at Alison's, I guess she didn't want to talk to me about it yet and she was angry, plus she hasn't seen Alison in a long time. How could anyone hate a baby? Sure they could dislike a bit, but hate?

"Hate? How could anyone hate a baby? I bet she's going to love it eventually, but for now she's upset so yeah I understand why she's at Alison's, what if she never tells me?" I asked.

It could happen couldn't it?

"Thanks for your understanding Kim, how about we give her 2 weeks? If she doesn't tell you in 2 weeks then we'll tell her something. Also thanks for the pizza I'm sure she'll enjoy it, could you maybe not mention we talked?" Her mom asked me.

"Ok sounds good and yeah I wasn't going to anyways, I better get going. Congratulations on the baby, it sucks your getting a divorce, but who ever you'll end up with I'm sure Hayley will love them." I told them and got my shoes on.

"Thanks again Kim, and bye we'll talk to you later" Her mom said.

I walked out of the house and headed home, I guess I better text Braden then to tell him.

Me: Braden, her parents are getting a divorce and her mother is pregnant.

I sent the message and continued walking home, I soon got a reply wow that was fast since he's on a date.

Her: This isn't Braden. How the fuck do you know about this Kimberly? The only person who knows is Alison.

What? I was so confused, I looked at the sender and realized it was Hayley


A/N: Sorry it's been so long I've been busy but ta da new chapter! I didn't want to to POV's this time, but next chapter will be Hayley's. What do you think is going to happen?


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