Chapter 7: Consequences

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Kim's POV
"I'm here to bail out Hayley Figgens." I told the person at the front.

"Hayley Figgens?" She repeated.

"Yes, she called me and asked me to come and bail her out." I told her.

The lady's name was Ashley, her hair was dyed blonde but the brown roots were showing, she was wearing purple eyeliner at attempt to bring out her green eyes, she had on a secetary's uniform and looked really tired considering it was like 10:30 at night.

"Right, she's the girl who came in here for breaking and entering. That will be $800 please, and we will send someone to get her." Ashley said.

Breaking and entering? She broke into a house? Why the hell would she do that.. My mom went to pay Ashley while we waited for a person to get Hayley.

"Breaking and entering? Why would she do that?" I whispered to Julian,I noticed there was this weird old man looking at me like I was a piece of meat or something, glad I'll be leaving soon.  I didn't like jail it was really creepy.. There were police officers almost everywhere and it made me feel clastrophobic with all of them around me I mean sure I didn't do anything bad, but it made me feel like I did.

"I'm not quite sure, we'll have to ask her." Julian said eyeing the guy that was looking at me.

"I hope they come soon this place gives me the creeps." I said to her, Julian just nodded.

A few moments later Hayley and an officer who's name was Wren came out, I ran up to her and hugged her.

"You're lucky they didn't put charges up agaisnt you and that the house was abandend or you would have to go to court. Don't do that again and you're lucky you have such nice family to come and bail you out some teens like you there family wouldn't talk to them and they would be stuck here for years." Officer Wren said.

"I know I'm lucky. Is the fee paid? I owe you so much." Hayley said to my mom.

"We'll disscuss this later, let's get in the car and go home." My mom said a bit angerly and headed outside.

Hayley, Julian and I headed outside to the car and got in and headed home. Nobody spoke, it was a nice silence, but I knew once we got back we would have a huge discussion about everything.

Hayley's POV

We drove up to my house and my mom was waiting in the window, we all got out and went inside the house. I knew i was going to be in  big trouble, probably grounded for months.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" My mom said as soon as I got home. Kim's mom had called her once we were driving home.

"I was thinking I wanted to stay here. I don't want to move to New York. I have everything I need here, a perfect girl friend, friends, and  an education. Just because you guys can't agree doesn't mean you need to move as far away from each other as possible, also it's not like I did drugs or killed someone." I said and sat down on the couch and crossed my arms.

"How many times do we have to go over this? You're moving with your dad and that's final! You could have been hurt Hayley! I do not need a police officer coming to my door telling me my daughter has been killed in a house by some wacko! How much do we owe you?" Hayley's mom asked my mom.

"I was thinking that if Kim gets a record deal, she can pay some of it off also and the bail was $800 so if we split in half that will be $400 each." My mom said.

"Why should Kim pay for any of this? It's not her fault that my stupid daughter ran off to some house." Hayley's mom said.

My mother just called me stupid? What the hell, I'm glad i'm moving now so I don't have to see her face anymore. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"It kind of is, we got into an agrument about Hayley moving and if it wasn't for me then she wouldn't be in this mess." Kim said.

"No Kim it's fine, Hayley will pay it all you just rest your sweet little voice and work hard to get a record deal." My mom said to Kim.

"When you get to New York, you are looking for a job and will be working until you pay it all off no if's and's or but's and also you're grounded and you will not be going to Nashville." My mom said.

"What! That's totally not fair mom! First your dragging me away from my love life and now you're not letting me see her or support her? Dad needs to have some say in this? All you've been talking is how you wish Kim was your daughter because all I am is stupid and a bitch and nothing more." I said and went up to my room crying. I couldn't deal with this anymore, I had to do something I just had to.. I looked over and saw some scissors grabbed them and started cutting my wrist, it hurt so much but I just had to I had to find a way to get all this pain out. It felt so good even if it hurt like hell. I started to feel kind of woozy and light headed the last thing I heard was someone screaming "HAYLEY!" and then I passed out.

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