Aries- Would swear loudly and runs around frantically trying to find a light
Taurus- Would lay on the floor and hope for the best
Gemini- laughs... Until they remember that the Internet is out too
Cancer- shrugs and would go to sleep
Leo- would leave the house and would go out until the power comes back
Virgo- would pull out their generator and charges their phone
Libra- would grab a candle and would use the opportunity to draw/write something they've been meaning to
Scorpio- Would move around the house, scaring the living sh!t out of their family
Sagittarius- would run around the neighborhood, trying to film, a pretend survival video
Capricorn- Would call the electric company, the weather channel, and their friends o figure out what the duck is happening (substitute for f word, I don't curse)
Aquarius- tries to "fix it" by attaching a coat hanger to their roof and waiting for lightning
Pisces- would find their pet and cuddles with them
Zodiac Horoscope's
RandomLearn what your sign is, more info and might put some scenarios in here. I take any suggestions and I'M SORRY if the signs sound like their stereo type. Please don't take it offensive.