Aries- Hero: Bullet time. You can slow down time in order to fight at an incredible speed making it impossible to hit or shoot you
Villain: Invulnerability. You are impervious to any harm, requiring extreme measures in order to hurt you
Taurus- Hero: Atmokinesis. You can control the weather, allowing you to control many aspects of nature itself
Villain: Seismic power. You have the ability to create create seismic shocks or earthquakes at will.
Gemini Hero: Intangibility. You have the power to be impossible to perceive by any of the senses.
Villain: Molecular dissipation. You can make any object vanish into thin air and absorb its energy
Cancer- Hero: Clairvoyance. You how's the ability to perceive events that are taking place elsewhere or sense places that are not in view
Villain: Summoning. You can call animals, creatures, or other worldly being for assistance
Leo- Hero: Danger sense. You are aware of approaching danger before it reveals itself
Villain: Probability manipulation. You have the power to alter the outcomes of things that require luck or the occurrences of usual phenomena
Virgo- Hero: Force fields. You can create transparent or invisible shields as a method of protection
Villain: Banishing. You can send a person somewhere else, usually to trap them or keep them away
Libra- Hero: Orbing. You have the ability to teleport from place to place with magical orbs surrounding you
Villain: Omnilingualism. You can decipher any known language and learn any being's language, alien included, through physical touch
Scorpio- Hero: Umbrakinesis. You can mentally repulse photons to create shadow or darkness and move objects via shadow
Villain: Possession. You are able to take control of the body and mind of someone else, temporarily leaving your own body for theirs
Capricorn- Hero: Cryokinesis. You can reduce the kinetic energy of atoms in order to lower temperature. This is often used to control, generate, absorb ice
Villain: Grim reaping. You have the ability to kill or mortally wound someone through touch
Aquarius- Hero: Portal creation. You have the power to create wormholes in time and space.
Villain: Phasing. You have the ability to pass through solid objects
Pisces- Hero: Wishing. You have the ability to wish for anything and that wish comes true.
Villain: Reality warping. This gives you the ability to change and mold reality itself (A/n:well I like both of my powers so I'm gonna be a mercenary to have both :3)
Zodiac Horoscope's
RandomLearn what your sign is, more info and might put some scenarios in here. I take any suggestions and I'M SORRY if the signs sound like their stereo type. Please don't take it offensive.