Stop & Listen [ pt. 1 ]

395 20 4

May, 26, 2546

Mother of Invention, UNSC controlled space



I'd been waiting outside the Director's office for nearly twenty minutes when the door opened and a very tired looking Germany stepped out, dark bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in a couple days, looked over worked.

He passed by without a single word, barely casting me a glance without stopping. I didn't say anything, going against what my mind screamed at me. I wasn't mad at any of them anymore. No, I was more guilty than anything, about how I treated them, acted towards them. Now, I couldn't utter a word towards any of them without the guilt washing over me in one big wave.

My eyes followed him down the hall until he turned, running a hand over his head once but not looking back at me. I sighed, casting my eyes downward for a moment. When I looked up, I saw Italy walking down the hall, towards me, or - probably more precisely - the Director's office. She paused when she saw me, but I couldn't read the expression she gave me. I couldn't tell if she smiled, frowned, or scowled, but she didn't spare me another look before she walked passed me and into the office.

I waited for the door to shut again, but it didn't. Italy barely stepped out of the office once more, reaching over and grabbing my arm and pulling me into the office with her.

The door shut behind us.

I was surprised more than anything. I had been called to his office only to wait there for him to call me in, expecting to be the only one there. I had guessed it would probably be about something with the team, but I wasn't sure at the time. At least now I know it was something to do with Italy, at least partially about Italy.

He looked us over for a moment, studying us. He was oddly silent, even more so than usual. He didn't speak when he handed each of us a small data pad, identical to each other. "Your mission. I expect the both of you to leave within the next three hours."

We didn't get to say a single word before he dismissed us with a wave of his hand. A mission without a normal briefing? Even he normally doesn't operate like that, towards any of the agents. We usually get a briefing of some sort, in person by either him or the Counselor. Not from a data pad. And more of a warning, more of a time to prepare. Three hours, no more, no less, and we don't get a say about that time. I don't need to know what will happen if we arrive later than he wants us to.

We left his office side by side, both of us not exactly eager to go over the mission just yet. The tension was still high between us, or maybe it was just me and that harbored untrust in the team since that one mission. I know I shouldn't keep being like that to them, any of them, but Aimee was the last one left, the only one that mattered to me - in a way that I would die to protect -, and they weren't going to tell me. I know they weren't.

I let out a quiet sigh, quiet enough so Italy wouldn't hear it and question it. She still hadn't looked at the data pad. I think she was putting it off until either one of us decided to open up, talk a little. It was down at her side, her hand clutching it lightly.

I was the only one armoured out of the two of us. Italy looked like she had just gotten out of the training room, dressed in a simple cami-like shirt on over grey sweats, both surprisingly without the Project Freelancer insignia, something I can't seem to find on this ship. Before, it was just UNSC all around me, now, with the Project, it was just that symbol everywhere I looked.

I glanced down at the data pad. It was off, right now, just reflecting my helmet and the ceiling above. Sometimes, I'm thankful for the helmet covering my face. Then, people can't see my face, how tired I look. Or unenthused, but that doesn't happen a lot.

Italy didn't say a word when she turned the corner, heading towards the armoury to get ready. I paused for a moment, watching her back until she disappeared around another corner, out of my sight.

It was more of a struggle to decide whether or not I should look over the mission or not while I was waiting for her. Look over it the first time with her and discuss about it, or run over the gist of it myself before she was ready to go so the briefing was easier and wouldn't take nearly as much time? It wasn't a needed decision, both were going to happen anyways, but my mind wanted to throw in more problems than there already was, making every little thing more difficult than it actually was.

I found the nearest little computer lab, pressing the power button.


A/n: YES, THE SEEKERS IS ALIVE. Did you miss me?


How lovely of you guys ;~;

No, I'm kidding. But, anyways, sorry for the long waits for the short chapters! I haven't lost inspiration for this story in the slightest, it's just extremely hard for me to focus lately for some reason, and writing has become even more difficult than it used to be. Sadly. I have TO MANY GODDAMN IDEAS IN MY HEAD AND THEY WON'T LEAVE ME ALOOOOOONE.


Excuse me.

Anyways, I hope you lot enjoyed this chapter of mine, and I hope to keep working tonight to get partially through another one.

PS. I haven't done my algebra homework for a week ish. I'm boned when it comes to my grades.


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