The Letter

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Tamaki's P.O.V
I was in the middle of wooing girls at the host club when a butler came in saying there was a letter for me.

I decided to wait intell the club closed in 20 minutes so I could read it to the whole club.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey boss what's with the letter" asked the twins at the same time.


"Just read it" said Kyoya with Haruhi and Mori nodding.

"Ok here goes"

"Dear Tamaki Suoh,
You cousin from Germany is visiting you I am his what you would call guardian his mom is dead and his father abandoned him and his brother when they were very little and his brother is in a how should I put this,bad situation. Im sending him to visit you because he has some medical problems such as stress, he dosnt eat properly, he has very vivid nightmares, and faints daily. I was hoping you could help him to relax and please take care of him. Excuse his attitude now because he is very rude and he uses vulgar language but that was due to him not having parents and his rough life before he came to me please don't question his scars and other things you find out about him. Your father was already informed. He is seventeen and he is taking the advanced classes at your school because he is what you would call a prodigy he passed college when he was eight. HIs coming to your school tommorow if you get this when planned here is his number to text him were to meet you **********Also,he dosnt sleep at all we had to drug him for him to sleep. I just ask that you help him he has been through hell im NOT exaggerating. He has seen thing that if you ever saw them you wouldn't be able to handle it. His name is Edward Elric. He is your moms sisters son.

Good luck,
Roy Mustang.

Tamaki was stunned.

"So sad" murmured Haruhi

"Tama-chan, we are gonna help him right" asked a crying Honey with Mori comforting him.

"Of course,but he has so many medical issues and its just so sad" said Tamaki smiling sadly

"Well, if he is your cousin your entitled to help him" said Kyoya coldly.

"Ya boss" said the twins

"Alrighty then we will welcome my cousin with open arms because the letter did say I would meet him at school tommorow" said a giddy Tamaki texting the number to meet him at the abandoned music room 3 after his classes.

Hey guys I changed Amestris to Germany just cuz.

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