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Three days had come and gone quickly and it was time to take Ed home. He was still delirious, due to the fact he was still on heavy doses of multiple medicines and he would be on them for the next week. The host club had all gathered at the hospital to help get Ed to Tamakis mansion safely. All of them but Honey and Mori, they regretfully had other things to do.

They entered Ed's room to see him starting out a window with glazed over eyes. He slowly turned to Tamaki and asked,

"Al that you?"

Tamaki just stared.

"Al weres mom? We were supposed the go on a walk today."

Tamaki looked at Ed with pity in his eyes "Well Ed, um, you see" Haruhi stepped in before Tamaki could do anything he would later regret.

"Ed, we're just going to take you home and then your mom and Al will come later on, okay?" Haruhi spoke as if she was speaking to a child, she basically was considering Ed's state as of now. Ed nodded and directed his attention towards Hikaru, he tilted his head in confusion then his eyes turned cold.

"Mister, your supposed to be dead" Ed said in a steely voice.

"W-what" stuttered Hikaru

"Well I was fighting the bad guys because they kidnapped me and you were there you were nice but they killed you in front of me" assuming this was someone who looked like him and not him Hikaru and Karu both just smiled at Ed.

"No Ed I'm fine"

"That's good mister" Ed said smiling charmingly.

Ed's hair was down and he was trying to put it up but failing. Haruhi sighed and put his hair up for him much to Tamakis displeasure.

Kyoya entered the room and said "he is free to go now I must be going though I have meetings bye now" and with that the shadow king left.

"Alright how do we go about getting him home?" Asked Tamaki

"Well first we need to get him to the car" said Haruhi

"Hey Ed can you walk?" Said Tamaki calm surprising the other 3 occupants of the room.

Ed tried but he fell and smacked his face on the floor. Tamaki soon picked him up and they went to the limo.

When they arrived home Ed was clinging to Hikaru again. So he had to carry him to his room. Hikaru was plotting his revenge for when the blond gets better.

While Ed was sleeping in his room Kyoya had came back over to run a background check on Ed.

They were all seated in the living room. All waiting to see what Kyoya came up with.

Kyoya soon gained a surprised facial expression.

"What?!" Asked a nervous Tamaki

"Well", Kyoya pushed up him glasses "all of his files are blocked and it's so well blocked It will take me days to get through"

"Why don't we ask him while he is like this" asked Karu

"Ya" agreed Hikaru

"I don't know.." said Haruhi

"You shady twins!" Exclaimed a certain blond.

"Yes that's a good idea we will do that" said Kyoya he got up and they all went to Ed's room finding him awake. Kyoya motioned for them to be quiet and he approached Ed.

"Ed tell us how did your mom die tell us your past" said Kyoya gaining Eds attention.

Ed nodded and said "we were happy mom, Al, and I but an epidemic passed and mom fell victim. It was dad's fault, no, he didn't directly cause her illness but after he left she got sad and her immune system weakened allowing her to become more susceptible to illnesses. Mom died and we lived on our own in our house in our small town. But granny Pinako and winry helped us out. I was a prodigy they said, they said I was so smart I could actually go places and do the impossible. Al and I wanted to see mom again so we preformed a forbidden taboo in my line of work. But the thing we brought back to life wasn't our mother. There was a reason this was all taboo you see I lost my arm and leg and Al lost his body, I bonded his soul to armor now he can't feel, touch, eat, sleep nothing. I almost died but granny and Winry saved me. After I had healed enough they gave me auto mail limbs. I was supposed to take 3 years to heal I took one Ya I was spitting blood but I did it. Soon after I joined the military at age 11 now I'm a high ranking officer. I've seen shit that you pussys couldn't stand" The meds were waring off so Tamaki was quick to give him more as the doctors told him to.

"Well" said Kyoya eyeing the now sleeping Ed. "I will tell you guys what else i find out after I get in his files"

"I told you we shouldn't of done this now he is going to be royaly pissed when he wakes up and finds out we did this" reprimanded Haruhi

"He won't find out" said the twins

"Just leave guys Ed needs rest" said Tamaki showing them out of Eds room. Once everyone left for there own homes Tamaki sighed and said to himself.

"I have a feeling we aren't even scraping the surface"

Oh right you are Tamaki, there is much to learn in such little time.

Woop finally any who I hope you guys enjoyed. Peace.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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