Meeting The Host Club

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Ed received a text on the thing Mustang gave him called a phone from his cousin Tamaki telling him were to meet after classes that day.

Ed was not happy he had to get up early and had to ride in a thing called an airplane and then a car. The driver took his bags to were he was staying and he looked at the disgustingly pink school.

He entered the building hearing people murmuring how cute or handsome he was and if he would be in the host club whatever that was.

He was wearing his outfit (the one I described in the first chapter) he pulled his hood up even further so you could only see his mouth.

He walked up to the front desk confronting the lady in the office then he was led into a classroom for advanced students he was the only one in it which he didn't mind

The teacher introduced himself and they carried on with the small lesson. Ed was still in a bad mood and wasnt hungry so he just stayed in his tiny classroom by himself and slept.

Soon enough Ed dragged himself to go the music room 3 he really didn't want to.

He walked up to the room and sighed and he grudgingly opened it. He was greeted by roses and people chiming welcome. Ed scowled he already hated this place.

"Oh a boy?" someone said

Ed sighed and said "im looking for a Tamaki"

A tall blond rushed over and said "are you Edward?"

"Yes" Ed said annoyed

"Why do you have your hood up take it off!" screamed the twins and they ripped of Ed hood.

When they did it reveled Ed's handsome face and breathtaking golden eyes and long hair put up in a neat ponytail.

"Woah" said the whole host club besides Kyoya and Mori

Ed growled "what else are you gonna rip off you fucked up pricks my pants"

"N-no" said Tamaki apologizing

"Hi Edward im Haruhi nice to meet you" introduced Haruhi.

Ed smiled charmingly making Haruhi blush "Nice to meet you too"

Everyone was surprised by his sudden attitude change.

"If you remember Tamaki we have a club to run" said Kyoya pointing to the girls staring at Edward with hearts in there eyes.

"Edward can sit with you Tamaki for the time being"

So Ed not in the mood to argue agreed.

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