Ed's Past

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The girls asked Ed many questions which he obliged and answered.

"Is that your real eye color"

"Yes" said Ed

"How do you know Tamaki"

"He is my cousin" said Ed again

"Were are you from"

"Germany" Ed said as Mustang told him to say when asked that question.

"What about you past" asked another girl

Ed bangs shadowed over his eyes and the girl apologized
"No no i will tell you" said Ed sighing taking Mustangs advice in trying to tell more people. The whole club and Hosts gathered curious about it having not been told.

"When I was little my father left me and my brother and mom alone my mom was upset and got sick that summer soon passing away, me and my brother were grieve stricken but we survived and learned how to fight well we did something bad and it cost us a lot me I lost my arm and leg" said Ed

"But then how do you have them now Ed-chan" asked honey.

"There fake but I will show you some other time, any way I got a very well paying job but me leading up to that job im not telling" he said simply

At this point all the girls were crying including Honey.

Kyoya was interested in this Edward and he would find out the truth.

Once all the girls left Ed was Talking to Tamaki when he suddenly fell over on the floor.

"ED" screamed Tamaki taking a liking to the boy. That drew the other hosts attention and Kyoya told them to back up since he did know some medical care.

After checking Ed over he concluded this

"He needs a hospital he is starving himself and he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks also his heart beat is way to fast it may stop at this rate" said Kyoya calmly.

They called an anbulence and Ed was crushed to the hospital very unstable. Whither his hart stopping 3 times and the doctors having to use shocks of electricity to start his heart.

CLIFFHANGER I KNOW YOU GUYS LOVE EM. Let me just say this is my 5th update in the same day so goals.

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