Exercising Just Got Tired

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Katie's POV*

"Okay everyone! Hi, I'm Paublo, your director for the session of making this bonus album work! I hope to cooperate with each and everyone of you smoothly. Let's have some fun!" Paublo adressed as he clapped his hands. "From what happened today earlier, I can see see not all of us can get along. Your relationship between eachother needs to work, and be perfect!" shouted Paublo as if that was simple.

He had a light brown stubs on his almost bald head, and was wearing a pink shirt with jeans. He seemed to be in his 40's and had a belly rounding about.

All our eyes are on him trying to sink in the information. Did he just point out I have to cooperate with Harry? I groaned inside.

"So, to get along, were going to be doing some trust exercises!" he announced.

I heard a groan from the edge of the lounge where Harry was. Oh trust me, I didn't like this idea either. As long as I'm not paired up with him, I'll survive. I can't stand even being in the same room with him. Ugh. Such a douche bag.

"I pick the partners!" Natalie informed.

Thank goodness Natalie was doing that. She would totally pair me up with someone I liked. I let out a relieving sigh.

"First group is, Zayn and Liam!" she began.

The boys high fived eachother, and walked to the carpeted free area.

"Next is, Harry and Katie." she continued casually.

My hopeful face fell into a deadly one. She did not just go there.

My face contorted into consuming anger with my green eyes flashing, and thinking about some words that should have spewed out. I gave her a "why" face, but she just replied with a "come on" expression.

I refused to walk there. I sat still waiting for the other names to be called. Harry walked across to where Liam and Zayn were. I scoffed. He was just trying to impress everyone by being all mature. Let him be. I'm not going to be partners with him. I still sat in my seat gluing my butt down.

"And last is Niall, and Louis!" she concluded.

"Yeah Lou!" Niall bursted running up to give Louis a manly hug.

"Team Nouis!" Louis shouted high fiving Niall.

"Katie, please go to Harry. You guys are partners for a reason! It's important to get along with eachother. If you guys don't work together, you are not going to like what happens next." Natalie informed.

I sighed and forced my feet to walk across to where Harry was. He stood to the side. I frowned wanting to kick him in the shins and where the sun doesn't shine.

Anger built up in my face giving me a tensed look. I clutched my arm crossing them to hold back my anger.


Harry's POV*

I really didn't want to do this exercise with Katie. We lost eachother's trust. I can't stand her. My cheeks flared up with anger with my eyes in annoyance. She is probably going to complain in some way. I wanted to storm out, but I held pressure in my feet to keep me standing.

"Okay guys! We are going to do the trust fall exercise, and one more after. Remember to TRUST eachother." Natalie reminded.

"Catch me Louis!" Niall jumped, and fell backwards like there was no tomorrow.

Louis caught him with a smile on both their faces.

"There's a good example!" exclaimed Natalie.

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