Chapter 19-Baby

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*Shaneria Blenco POV*

Poncé, Puerto Rico 1996

Blackness drowns the night and thunder and lightning fill the air as rain pours heavily upon our house.

I woke to my sister's soft cries under her bed covers.
I look out of our open window and hear the hard rain smack the ground and make mud as thunder booms and light crackles in the night sky.
I push back my covers and my feet patter over to my scared sister.
I kneel down next to her and touch her soft 6 year old face.
"Estas bien, Daniére" (you are okay, Daniére) I tell her.
Her scared expression starts to calm and she looks into my eyes and gives a small smile.
"Siempre estaré aqui para ti, hermana" (I will always be here for you, sister) I continue.
"Podrías?" (Will you?) She asks me, a 5 year old child.
"Te lo prometo" (I promise you) I assure and grasp her hand in a loving gesture.
"Te amor" (I love you) she tells me.
"Yo te quiero más" (I love you more) I smile and kiss her forehead.
She holds onto my hand a bit longer before she lets me get back into my bed because mother shouted for us to be quiet and to get sleeping.
I crawl under my thin covers and stare at her from in the dark.
She does the same.
And soon, we both fall back to sleep.

I jolt into a sitting position, taking fast heavy breaths.
Nate squats beside the bed and looks up to my panicking figure as he takes my hand with an I.V. present.
"Shaneria, calm please" he tells me softly so he wouldnt get me riled up.
My lungs and throat burn but that doesnt stop me from trying to get up.
Nate tries to push me back into the hospital bed but I slap his hand away, pull out the breathing tube in my nose, and get out from the other side of the bed so he cant stop me.
I pop out the I.V. line from the needle's end and try to run before he could catch me.
Nate moves quickly infront at me so I won't get to the door and stops me at the washroom beside my bed side that he was on.
He first holds my wrists infront of me and my chest into his.
I squirm and fight to get out.
"No, Shaneria!" he says slightly loud so he would intimidate me.
But Im not scared of him.
"MY SISTER! I NEED TO SEE HER!!" I shout and step on his foot.
But it doesnt fizz him one bit.
"You cant" he tells me and tries to stop my fighting against him.
I bring my mouth to his arm and bite down hard.
He shouts more in shock than in pain, which also causes him to let go of me to check the mark I would leave.
I go to sprint but he grasps me by the hips and pulls me back.
"LET GO!" I scream and try to smack him.
He pulls my back into his chest and holds me there with his left arm wrapped around my middle and holding me against his warm body.
His other hand reaches into his pocket and pulls out a filled syringe...
He pulls off the cap with his teeth and readies the anesthesia he is going to give me by placing his thumb on the thumb rest.
I struggle and move to make it harder for him.
He places the barrel between his teeth so he can use both of his hands to steady me.
He moves my back straight at his left shoulder and uses that hand to pull my head back so it would make it hard for me to move.
He then takes the syringe in his right hand and presses with his finger on my throat to prep the jugular vein.
I cup my hands around his wrists as if to stop him but I definitely wasnt strong enough.
"NO Nate, DONT!" I say, almost out of breathe.
A pinch signalled that the needle went in and I felt my vein slightly expand as the fluid entered my system.
It worked almost immediately and I would have dropped if Nate wasnt here to hold me.
My body went limp and Nate stared slowly into my eyes as mine began to close.
I was really really tired, so maybe that was part of why the injection worked so fast.
I shut my eyes and feel myself being carried back into my hospital bed.
Back to sleep it is...
* * *

*Nate McCall POV*

With Shaneria now calmed, I reinsert the breathing tube into her nose and hook up the I.V. she ripped out.
I write on her chart the dosage of propofol I gave her.
I have to go speak to Joel.
Seems like our doctor here, may be the patient for a change.
When she passed out the first time, we had done blood work, an electrocardiogram, and chest x rays because of the sudden fluid in her lungs.
The results showed signs of a heretic disease called; pulmonary edema.
A disease that makes the body struggle to get oxygen due to fluids filing the lungs.
It can cause heart diseases, damaged heart valves, sudden high blood pressure, pneumonia, kidney failure, blood poisoning, pancreatitis, lung damage, and of course...death.
Its very serious and needs immediate attention and treatment.

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