Chapter 21-He's Back

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~4 Days later~

*Shaneria Blenco POV*

The cries of baby Saba, ring my ears.
I open my eyes and look to my clock on my nightstand before staring up at the ceiling.
Its 2am!
She was just put to bed four hours ago!
I groan as I swing my legs over the side of my bed.
The pulmonary edema that I had, seemed to be kept in check so they let me return home.
But Alex prescribed me some blood pressure medication to keep my blood pressure normal, and some nitroprusside (nitropress), to dilate my blood vessels and take a pressure load off my heart's left ventricle.

Lola lifts her head up off her paws when she sees me leave my room to go to where Daniére and Tyler had set up the 'temporary' nursery.
...looks like it's staying a while.

I hear my companion follow me into the baby's room.
Her ears remain perked at the cries of the child.
"Please be quiet" I hush, sounding really tired as I peer over the side of the crib to see the red faced girl.
"Pleaseee" I repeat and pick her up and then gently pat her back.
Lola suddenly barks, sounding excited.
"Shush you!" I shout/whisper and then walk with the baby downstairs to the kitchen.
Lola of course follows me.
I sat Saba comfortably on my right hip as I go over to the fridge to retrieve her pre-made expensive formula.
But that only made my ear directly next to her mouth.
I swear I was going to go deaf!

I tried feeding Saba her bottle but she refused it.
I set her down on the couch to change her but she didnt need it.
I had even tried distracting her with my car keys but she only cried louder.

For four straight friggin days in a row, she cried.
I didnt know how long I could do this.
This is driving me insane!

I gave up and plopped on the living room ground, infront of the crying child.
"I cant do this!" I cry.
"Daniére is gone. Tyler is gone...I have no idea what to do!" I continue.

"Shaneria, mamá y papi nos dejó...que hacemos?" (Shaneria, mum and dad left us...what do we do now?) Daniére asks me as we both stand on the bright beach with the waves crashing at our toes.
At 7 & 8 years old, our father had traveled to the Canada to find work so we may have a real life there, but he hasn't sent for us yet and it has been 3 years.
And our mum...she's been gone for 2 weeks.
She said she was going to get food from a vegetable stand.

Here in Puerto Rico, there are rebels and gangs who raid villages and commit murder and rape.
Most of the island was safe.
But we weren't so lucky because we had just moved to the outskirts of poncé where there were barely any security.

"No sé...Pero yo nunca te dejaré, hermana" (I dont know...but I'll never leave you, sister) I promise and take her soft hand into mine.
"Yo nunca te dejaré ir" (I'll never let you go) she returns and holds both of my hands.
I try to smile to show her that we will be alright.
But a tear escapes instead.

"I want her back!" I shouted with a cry,
"I want my dad, I want my sister, I want everything to be okay".

But my own cries dont seem to make anything better because the baby only got louder.

I hug my knees and feel my pajama bottoms start to wetten from my tears.

Lola whines and then I can hear her approach me.
She nudges my leg with her nose.
I sniffle and slowly look up to her, not wanting to play right now.
She drops my phone at my feet and whines some more as Saba continues her ear piercing screams.
I look at her confused and she lets out a bark and raises her bum in the air with a tail wag.
I pick up my phone and unlock the screen.
She comes up beside me and presses 'Gallary' with her damp nose.

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