Chapter 8-Heartsick

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~Shaneria Blenco P.O.V~
"Dani" I call as I open the door to my big house.
Joel follows behind me and gently shuts the door behind me
He gazes around at my cozy house and says in amazement, "wow".
"Thanks" I smile and go to my sister, which I see on the couch not too far ahead.
I approach her sleeping figure and put my hand on the upper part of her back to check general functions.
I smile and then bring up the blanket to cover her shoulders.
Joel walks up slowly and quietly behind me, still admiring my home.
"Drink?" I ask him.
"That would be great, thanks" he nods and give a small smile.
I lead him diagonally to my stone wall kitchen with dark cherry wood and stainless steel attire.
"Nice place" he comments and leans on the island.
I pull out a beer for him from the fridge and slide it to him.
He grasps it and grins.
"Eh. I guess. It was $650 000 so..." I reply.
He grins and pops the cap of the edge of the marble top and takes a swig.
"Hey man. Thats my counter" I say and cross my arms.
"Sorry miss" he says with emphasis on the title.
"How can you afford such a place so quickly?" He asks.
"Inheritance" I state and open a beer properly with my opener.
He hums in reply and takes a swig.
I do the same and then look deeper into my fridge to see what disaster my sister did to my food bill.
"Not bad" I murmer to myself.
I can feel his eyes on my bum.
I stand up and catch his gaze advert.
"Can I get you a plater" I remark.
"Please" he says and then goes to sit at my dining table in the room next to the kitchen.
I pull a already made cheese, veggie and meat plater from the middle shelf and I take some gluten free crackers from the cupboard closest to the left of the fridge.
I walk with hands full and set it infront of him.
"Help yourself" I tell him and take a carrot to munch on, across from him.
I cross a leg over my knee as I sit in my cushioned dining chair.
He gladly takes a slice of salami and wraps it around a cracker with a cube of marble cheese before popping in his mouth.
"Gonna enjoy the day off tomorrow while Im stuck in the hospital" he says, trying to make some humor.
"Definitely. I'll be thinking of you when I go out for a walk in the park and admire nature's beauty" I smirk, in reply and slosh my beer in my hand.
"So mean" he jokes and goes for another sip with his head slightly back.
"Thats my name. Dont wear it out" I again reply, returning his weird humor.
"I hear that way too much" he says, leaning back in his chair and scanning for a reaction.
"Good. Hear it again" I answer, trying to hold back a smirk.
It was too much fun being sassy to this guy, I have to admit.
I hear a little rustling in the livingroom, so I rise from my chair and go see what is the noise.

"Hey sleepy head. How ya doin?"I say, calmly at the drowsy state of my sister.
"I got a secret to tell you" she tells me, stretching her arms above her head and yawning.
"Careful. Dont want to send you back with something popped out" I joke and lean against the door frame with one leg holding most of my weight.
"Something will in 7 months" she smiles.
I squint my eyes, not understanding.
"What?" I ask.
"Im pregnant" she says, with a smile.
I scream happily and outstretch my arms as I jump repeatedly before running to give her an embrace.
She laughs at my reaction and hugs me back tight.
Joel rushes out at the noise I made.
"Whats the hullabaloo?" He asks, looking around quickly for any sign of disturbance in our home to cause us to be scared.
"Im going to be a aunt!!" I cry happily and rock side to side with her in my arms.
"congratulations!" He tells my sister.
"Thank you!" She smiles and I finally let her breath.
I clap my hands excitedly and then wipe some tears that escaped.
I fan my eyes and take in breaths to calm myself.
"Youre acting up more than I am and its my pregnancy!" My sister laughs and then gives me a hug.
"Im so happy for you and your hubby!" I smile and kiss the side of her head as I still keep in her arms.
"Thank you!" She replies, happily.
Thats when she takes in Joel's presence and ask me, "so who's this lucky man? Boyfriend? Fiancé? Husband?".
"None of the above" I giggle slightly at her thought.
"Good looking though" she winks at me.
"Dani!" I gasp and have my mouth agape.
She shrugs and then looks to Joel, "listen pal. Dont mess with a pregnant lady. You treat Shaneria like a frickin queen! Or someone else will! Got it".
I lightly tap her arm and then turn to Joel to apologize but he cuts me off, "No worries. Wouldn't think of anything less".
"Dan, Im a single pringle and am doing pretty well like that" I say, thanking for her effort...if you call it that.
She pokes me and smiles, "Oh come on! You got to go mingle! Meet a guy! Date!".
"I have work. A full 12 hour day" I say, explaining my situation.
"You have days off" she answers, thinking shes gettin somewhere with me.
I shake my head.
"Those are me, myself and I days" I reply and plop down in the sofa chair across from her on the couch.
She squints at me and I try to big back a smile from her funny face.
Joel steps in and crosses his arms at me.
"Your sister's right. You do a lot for Hope Z and I know you dont book a lot off. You help others before you help yourself. Now if you dont get out and do something for yourself, Alex and I shall schedule you off and lock you out" he says.
I purse my lips at him and raise my eyebrows.
He raises his brows as well.
My sister still gives me her 'look'.
I shrug and then deflate in my chair.
"Fine!...I'll go for a jog tommorow and do some shopping...maybe go to a bar..." I sigh and rub my eye lids.
My sister woo-hoos and Joel says "good".

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