Sneak Peak C19

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*Shaneria Blenco POV*

I jolt into a sitting position, taking fast heavy breaths.
Nate squats beside the bed and looks up to my panicking figure as he takes my hand with an I.V. present.
"Shaneria, calm please" he tells me softly so he wouldnt get me riled up.
My lungs and throat burn but that doesnt stop me from trying to get up.
Nate tries to push me back into the hospital bed but I slap his hand away, pull out the breathing tube in my nose, and get out from the other side of the bed so he cant stop me.
I pop out the I.V. line from the needle's end and try to run before he could catch me.
Nate moves quickly infront at me so I won't get to the door and stops me at the washroom beside my bed side that he was on.
He first holds my wrists infront of me and my chest into his.
I squirm and fight to get out.
"No, Shaneria!" he says slightly loud so he would intimidate me.
But Im not scared of him.
"MY SISTER! I NEED TO SEE HER!!" I shout and step on his foot.
But it doesnt fizz him one bit.
"You cant" he tells me and tries to stop my fighting against him.
I bring my mouth to his arm and bite down hard.
He shouts more in shock than in pain, which also causes him to let go of me to check the mark I would leave.
I go to sprint but he grasps me by the hips and pulls me back.
"LET GO!" I scream and try to smack him.
He pulls my back into his chest and holds me there with his left arm wrapped around my middle and holding me against his warm body.
His other hand reaches into his pocket and pulls out a filled syringe...

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