Chapter 1. Parasomnia

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"Tell me what happened," 

I rubbed at my eyes and glanced at my brother uneasily. I had been attempting to take a nap, more or less, before we left to pick Liam up. It was a Full Moon tonight, on top of it being the Senior Scribe, and we wanted to watch Liam, because during the last Full Moon he lost control and ran around town. Stiles' dad managed to convince that fellow officers that the calls were all a prank from a bunch of teenagers. During my nap, I had a nightmare. I had apparently been screaming so loud, that Scott came in and woke me up. 

He wants me to tell him what happened, but I can't remember. I'm trying to think but I'm drawing a blank. I can't remember screaming. I can't remember running from anything. The only thing in my head right now is the look of horror that was plastered on Scott's face when he finally was able to wake me up. Mom was at the hospital, so she wasn't home, and dad was still away, so he wasn't here either. Stiles wasn't supposed to pick us up for another half hour.

Ever since the Nogitsune incident, I've been having nightmares. Most of the time, they were silly and ridiculous nightmares... but they were still nightmares. In these last two months I've had the same thing happen to me every single night. I start screaming in my sleep and I wake someone up, they come in and check on me and I can't tell them anything about what happened, because I can't remember. My memory hasn't exactly been the best since Kate performed that ritual on me that stripped me of my werewolf abilities. 

"Kasey?" Scott questioned, he gently shook my shoulder a little bit to regain my attention. 

I cleared my throat and let out a sigh, "I can't remember." 

"You don't remember anything?" he asked sadly, it was obvious he felt horrible about my situation. 

I wanted to remember, because no matter how dark my nightmare could be, nothing is worse than being stuck in a fog of not knowing. I'm the type of person that needs answers and is willing to do anything to get them, but for the time being... there's nothing I can do. 

"No," I breathed out shakily, "I can't remember anything whatsoever. Scott, what's wrong with me?" 

His face softened and he shook his head from side to side slowly, "There's nothing wrong with you, Kasey. You've been through a lot, and sometimes when people go through traumatic things like that, they have nightmares and they can't explain them. It's nothing out of the ordinary."  

"It's always something out of the ordinary when one of us is concerned, though." I mumbled as I flopped back onto my bed, heaving out another sigh. 

Scott chuckled dryly as he patted my knee, "Don't overthink it, too much. You should get up though, and get ready... and do something with that hair, it's a mess." 

"Gee, thanks." I retorted as I hit him with a pillow.

He smiled brightly, "It's what I'm here for." 

"I'm gonna change, I'll be down in a few minutes." I assured him as he stood from my bed. He gave me a thumbs up before pulling out his cell phone and exiting my bedroom, closing the door behind him. 

Once I was sure that he was out of earshot, I leaned over the side of my bed and pulled out the leather bound book I had hidden behind my bedskirt. The fabric brushed over the top of my hand as my fingers latched around the smooth binding. I slowly pulled it out and sat back up fully, flipping through the inked stained pages. 

I had started a dream journal back after I woke up from the whole "coming back to life" ordeal from the Nogitsune. During the reign of the dark Kitsune, my dreams had offered several warnings and I had ignored them. I was sure that my ability would start warning me about something again, it was in my nature... so, with that being said I would wake up and every time I remembered what my dream was I would write it down. 

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