Chapter 15. Disease

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Pain is something I have become tolerable to. Both physical and emotional pain. I've been through enough of both to learn that there are worse things and that I just need to suck it up and push through it. I've been bitten, cut, stabbed, shot, pushed, shoved, punched, kicked-- hell you name it, it's happened to me.

None of that compares to what I'm feeling right now.

I'm strapped down to a table, my wrists and ankles are in these leather straps that are too tight for my liking. I also have one going over my torso. I'm literally pinned to this table and the only thing I can move is my head. There is a light hanging above me, but from what I can see, I'm not in a hospital. It looks like I'm underground somewhere if I'm being honest. There are glass tanks everywhere with weird stuff inside of them. I can hear a hissing and bubbling sound, but I have no idea what it could be.

"Kasey," a distorted robotic voice called out.

I turned my head and saw the Dread Doctor that uses the cane, approaching me. He had his lab coat off and instead was in a red vest with a white shirt underneath. It looked extremely old fashioned and it didn't surprise me that was what they wore.

He grabbed a needle type device, the one I saw them have when they were in the basement, and he approached me with it. My eyes were wide as he lined up the tip to my neck. He was silent as the needle penetrated my skin, I hissed out in pain and I had no idea what the hell he was putting into my body.

"What are you doing to me? What is that?" I asked him, jerking on the restraints slightly.

He pulled the needle out of my skin and dabbed at the area with a napkin, "Starting your treatment."

"My treatment?" I echoed as he began to walk away, leaving me alone in this room.

What does he mean my treatment? What the hell did he just inject me with? I started tugging on the restraints once again but they were too strong and I was too weak. I'm just stuck here. I have no idea where they took Hayden or Liam. I hope they didn't hurt Liam. I don't think they will hurt Hayden because they are still trying to figure out if she is a success or not, but Liam means nothing to them so they could hurt him.

My neck was burning at the sight of where the needle had hit me. I feel drained, like of anything and everything. I have no idea what they're doing to me but I really would like to get an idea. I need at least an idea so I know what I need to prepare myself for.

The door opened and another Dread Doctor entered. He was wheeling in a table that had several utensils on it. Several sharp utensils. I swallowed nervously as he pushed the table beside the chair that I was strapped onto. I think it's a chair, it's like a dentist chair almost, only it's made of metal and not a cushion.

He began to sift through his toys before he settled on a normal look scalpel. My eyes widened as he lifted up my shirt, exposing my lower stomach, "What are you doing?"

"Testing your ability to heal." he responded, his voice sounding just as robotic as the first dread doctor.

My ability to heal? I guess I'll heal like I normally do, but maybe I won't. Are the Dread Doctors considered supernatural, because if they are then I will heal relatively quick but if not then it will take forever and I'm going to be stuck with a lot of open wounds.

I struggled to move my head so I could get a better look at what he was doing to me, "I don't heal the way that you think I do."

"You will." he responded.

I heard Liam screaming from the other side of the wall and my eyes went wide. What are they doing to him? Oh my God are they killing him? What about Hayden? Is she okay? What are they doing to her? I started breathing heavier, "Cut me open all you want, I don't freaking care just don't hurt Liam, are you even listening to me? Oh my God."

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