Chapter 25. Mad Hatter

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"I still think you should come with us," Stiles sighed as he pulled something out from underneath the hood of his jeep. 

Him and Scott are heading off to Shiprock New Mexico to find Kira and bring her back to Beacon Hills. In order to do that though, Stiles needed to fix a few things with his jeep. I still think he should just start saving up for either a new car or for the list of repairs that it needs... but he said he has more important things to worry about. I opted out on the little road trip, mainly because I didn't want to be stuck with Scott for that amount of time. The anger inside of me is starting to come back through and I don't think it's a good idea for me to be around Scott until I can get it back under control. 

I grabbed a wrench out of his toolbox and handed it over to him, "Someone needs to hold the fort down here." 

"Yeah, but that someone doesn't have to be you." he pointed out as he grabbed the wrench and began twisting something with it. 

The fact that there is this beast running around Beacon Hills is slightly alarming, and someone has to stay here and keep an eye out for it. Plus, I already seem to have some sort of connection with it so it makes sense for me to stay here and try to get some answers. Isn't that Stiles wants? Isn't that what everyone wants? 

I shrugged, "I don't really want to be with Scott, either." 

"Kasey," my boyfriend sighed as he looked up at me, "you're going to have to forgive him eventually, or at least be open to the idea of forgiving him." 

My eyes narrowed slightly, "I don't have to do anything. Just because you're ready to let him back in doesn't mean that I have to do it, too. He messed up and he's going to have to face the consequences." 

"I guess so," he breathed out in defeat, giving the jeep his attention. 

Liam had showed up about five minutes ago and Stiles had directed him inside to talk to my brother. I haven't seen or heard from Liam since the night he almost killed Scott. Even though I'm mad at Scott, I'm also mad at Liam for trying to kill him. Scott is still my brother, even though he's being a complete idiot right now, that doesn't make him any less my brother. So, obviously I would feel some anger towards the person who tried to kill him over a girl he barely knew for less than a month.

I had half a mind to listen into their conversation, but I planned on having my own talk with Liam once Scott and Stiles were ready to leave. A part of me wants to tag along just for Stiles' sake... but I know that it's for the best if I stay here. I don't want to possibly make the situation between Scott and I worse because I'm not in the mood to take his shit right now. 

"Why did you tell him about me being in the communication towers?" I asked suddenly, because the question had been in my mind since he said it. 

Not only did I want to keep Scott in the dark about it, but I wanted to be the one to tell him whenever I decided to do it. Stiles just took it upon himself to give out some information that wasn't his to give out. It made me regret even telling him in the first place because it put the idea of me being the beast into Scott's head. I know Scott, and he's not going to let it go unless he physically sees who the beast turns into and then he would be able to tell that it wasn't me.

Stiles sighed in exasperation, "I didn't want to keep any secrets." 

"Well, that wasn't exactly your secret to be sharing." I pointed out, folding my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow as I waited for him to respond. 

His shoulders tensed slightly as he continued to work on the jeep, "Just because you wanted to keep him in the dark, didn't mean that I wanted to do it, too." 

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