Chapter 6. Rules of The Wild Kingdom

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Mrs. Ramsey was flouncing around the room, handing out the tests that we all took yesterday. I waited anxiously for mine, because I wanted to see how well I had scored. Unfortunately, I still sit next to Theo is this damn class. We are one table behind Scott and Kira, and they are directly next to Lydia and Sydney. Theo leaned over and smiled at me, "How do you think you did?" 

"Extremely well," I responded shortly, not really having any interest in speaking to him. 

Stiles had gotten me to believe that he's evil, and now that's the only thing I can see when I look at him. I see the words evil mastermind just floating above his head. It's so annoying that everyone else can't see it. Maybe we need to convince Lydia that he's evil, so she can tell everyone else since everyone always listens to Lydia. I haven't technically had an Admonere feeling about him yet, but when I do I know it's going to say that he's evil. I just know it. 

"Well done, Kasey." Mrs. Ramsey stated as she placed my test in front of me. I grinned when I was the 89 circled at the top of the page. 

She then leaned over the table to give Theo his test, "You did excellent as well, Theo." 

I gasped when I saw he scored a 89 as well. My eyes narrowed, "Did you copy me?" 

"Are you serious? First you accuse me of not being who I say I am, then you say that my dad is an impostor and now you're asking me if I copied your test?" Theo responded with a sigh. 

My eyes scanned the front of his test alongside mine, and I noticed that I had missed question two and he had gotten it correct, so he didn't exactly copy me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, this kid was just pissing me off more and more with each passing day. 

"Nice to see where your priorities are, Scott. Since you have such a good grasp on the subject, how about you lead us in a review of last nights reading." Mrs Ramsey said to my brother. 

I can't imagine that he scored better than I did, so I have no idea why she chose him to do the review. Unless, she is just targeting him for some reason... like how Harris targeted Stiles. Even though Stiles was a spastic mess 98% of the time, he was smart and he did understand a lot of things. Harris had just assumed that he didn't so he would always pick on him and call him out, but Stiles proved him wrong on more than one occasion... so then he moved onto Scott, who didn't know as much as Stiles. 

"Uh, sure." Scott responded as he began flipping through the pages of his text book. 

Theo tapped the pencil on the table, drawing my attention. I noticed a small piece of paper on the table that said, look in the doorway. I then glanced in the direction of the door to the classroom, and I found Liam hovering in the hallway. My eyes widened as I glanced at Scott, who seemed to have noticed him at the same time. What the hell is he doing out there? 

"Scott?" Mrs. Ramsey asked, waiting patiently for him to begin the reading. 

My brother blinked rapidly and shook his head a bit, "Sorry, just looking for the page." 

Liam was waving his hand around and trying extremely hard to get Scott's attention. I can only imagine what the hell is happening for him to be out in the hallway. Shouldn't he be in History class or something? I think that's his class this bell, I'm not sure.

Mrs. Ramsey was now starting to lose her patience, "Scott?"

"Yeah, one sec. Sorry." he said quickly, continuing to flip through the pages. I then watched him tap his ear once, and Liam began to speak. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but by the way that Scott's body halted it's movements I knew that it wasn't good. 

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