Chapter 14. Strange Frequencies

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"I was just thinking, since we can't use our phones, we can't check in on Stiles and Theo." Lydia said to my brother and I.

Due to the cell phone jammers, we weren't able to use our phones for anything remotely helpful. It made me slightly uneasy knowing that Stiles was with Theo and we had no way to contact them. I really wish that Stiles was here with me if I'm being totally honest. 

Scott sighed, "I didn't even think about that." 

"I didn't either," Lydia agreed. 

I let out a groan of annoyance, "I did but I didn't want to sound like I was bad talking the plan so I didn't say anything."

"So, we're standing here waiting for guys in masks and breathing tubes to show up. But who or what, are Stiles and Theo waiting for?" Lydia asked. 

I shrugged, "Hopefully something a hell of a lot more manageable to fight off." 


I blinked as I turned around, I hadn't recognized the voice but I definetly had heard someone say my name. The locker room was empty apart from Scott, Lydia, Liam, Hayden, and myself...  and that voice hadn't belonged to any of them. So where the hell had it come from? 

Lydia glanced at me inquisitively, "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I thought I heard something." I brushed it off like it was no big deal. 

Although, it very well could be a big deal. Movement caught my attention and I noticed Liam making his way towards the black duffle bag where chains were being hidden. Scott had brought them to try and restrain a Dread Doctor with. I wasn't sure if they would be able to hold it down or whatnot, but Scott had brought them anyway. 

Liam unzipped the bag and pulled the chain out. Scott jumped when he saw him and Liam glanced at my brother with wide eyes, "What were you gonna do with these?" 

"Brought them just in case." Scott responded quickly. 

Liam's head moved from side to side in confusion, "In case of what?" 

"In case we had the chance to catch one of them," Lydia spoke. 

I could feel the switch as soon as it happened. Liam's over protectiveness of Hayden kicked on and Scott's need for damage control stepped up to bat. Lydia was watching Liam wearily, unsure of how he was going to take this news. I had a feeling that he wouldn't be happy with the idea, considering it looked very much like we were using Hayden as bait. 

Nobody likes being the bait.

"If we can't make the school a fortress, then maybe we can make it a trap." Scott supplied as he took a step closer to Liam.

Liam was gripping the chains tightly in his hands. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair anxiously. If the two of them ended up fighting about this, we didn't have anyone to pull them off of one another and we all know how Liam gets when he has the slightest bit of anger built up inside of him. 

"They're coming for her, does that mean she's the bait?" he snapped angrily. 

Hayden happened to wake up from her nap and she was glancing at Scott in confusion. I knew this was going to happen. I knew that Liam was going to assume that we were using Hayden as bait. Which we technically weren't, we were honestly trying to keep her safe but we knew that they would end up coming for her regardless so Scott wanted to try and catch them. 

I decided to break my silence, "Liam, we honestly brought her here to protect her."

"And now she's bait," he snapped at me. 

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