Chapter 30. Rescue Mission

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"Miss McCall, have you ever been so close to something that you've wanted for so long... that when it finally comes down to the moment you've been waiting for, you can't believe it?" Valack asked me as he dabbed at the hole he had drilled into my head. 

I winced as I kept my eyes glued to the ceiling, refusing to speak to him. I'm not feeding into his games. I'm keeping to myself and I'm going to fight through this and survive this. I don't know what exactly he wants to do with me just yet but I can tell that it's not going to be good and I don't want to stick around and see it. 

The only thing I can think about is Stiles. The thought of him is keeping me sane right now. 

"Would you like some company?" he asked as he stood from his chair and left my room. I winced as the wound on my head began to throb. 

I have no idea what the hell he is doing now, what did he mean by company? Who is he going to put in here with me? I struggled to lift my head from the pillow and I gasped when I saw Lydia restrained in a wheelchair being pushed into my room. When she saw me she let out a pained expression. I noticed that she had beads of sweat lining her forehead and her hair was damp. Whatever Valack has been doing to her must be similar to what he's done to me. 

Valack pushed her next to my bed and he smiled at us both, "I'll leave you both to chat for a bit." 

He left and closed the door to my room. Lydia glanced at me and blinked rapidly, "Are you okay?" 

"I was getting ready to ask you the same thing." I responded flatly. 

She sighed, "He drilled a hole into my head... I'm not exactly sure that qualifies as okay."

"What is he trying to do?" I asked her quietly, praying that he wasn't standing outside the door listening to our conversation and taking notes in his little book. 

Lydia's gaze fell to the floor, "It's not good." 

"Did he tell you something?" I inquired, because the way she was acting was telling me that she knew something that I didn't. 

Her eyes met mine and the look she was giving me caused my heart to stop beating momentarily. I have seen fear before, but never anything like the way that she was looking at me. I swallowed thickly as she licked at her dry lips, "He's going to try and get you to kill people."

"What?" I responded quietly. 

Who the hell knows what Valack had said to her, but I doubt he would feed her false information. The question is, why would he tell her and not me? It's not like by him telling me I would be able to stop him from doing it. I know that I'm powerful and I know that whatever he has planned is going to make me more powerful-- the thing I'm worried about the most it, which part of me is it going to enhance? I'm a hybrid of who knows how many creatures, which part of me is he trying to boost? 

Lydia blinked rapidly, "Kasey, we are going to kill people." 

"Hey," I said quickly when I noticed that she was crying, "Lydia, I'm not going to let that happen. We aren't going to hurt anyone. I promise." 

Even though I have already hurt more than enough people, I'm not going to tell Lydia that. I'm going to try my best to keep her calm and optimistic and because the moment she starts to doubt herself and all of us is when she's going to lose this fight against Valack. I can't let that happen. 

She hesitantly met my gaze, "Kasey, I've seen it..." 

"You've seen what?" I asked in confusion. 

Lydia swallowed thickly, "I saw you hurt Stiles." 

My stomach dropped and my breathing hitched, "You saw me hurt Stiles?" 

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